
Dec 16, 2009 09:42

I finished Day Watch this morning; (it was even better than Night Watch and that was pretty damn good) and now I need to get Twilight Watch.

Now, totally off the subject of personal book love...

I am sick-to-death of this debacle called 'Health Care Reform'. It is no longer about true reform (or even health care for that matter) it's about a group of politicians pushing and pulling at the reigns of 'power'. All this wrangling over a bill that is not about the American citizens but about which group of politicians can exert the most influence. A news clip of Nancy Pelosi standing in front of a microphone professing that she "...wants to get the bill passed before Christmas so 'they' can give the American people health care for Christmas."
I call bullshit!
The American people would rather have jobs so that they can feed their families and pay their bills. Health Care reform is much needed in this country but what is being bounced around now is not reform.
From what I can tell President Obama doesn't give a rat's ass what is passed as long as it says Health Care -- so, yeah, thanks so much for the 'Change you can believe in'!
You know what I think would be a change, a real change from the status quo of the last 20 years? I'd like to see our government do what Howard Dean proposes (not necessarily for the same reasons) and that is to kill the bill and go back to the beginning AFTER our economy is secure, unemployment rates are down and we pay our deficit down to - oh, I don't know, maybe the billions?

Perhaps if any of the numerous participants in this tug-of-war that health care reform has become could explain to you and me just how this bill is going to actually work, I might be a bit more supportive, but as it is I know this much -- there is a piece of legislation that is being called a Health Care Reform Bill that is being whittled away at and then pieced back together; that neither Democrats,Republicans,Moderates,Independents nor Progressives are happy with.

It's really not a lot to go on and certainly not indicative of 'a change I can believe in'.

health care reform?, day watch, night watch

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