Just misc daily 'doins'

May 20, 2008 08:19

Bill came home sick Friday; this is a family history-making event because Bill has not been sick in over 18 years! He has broken his nose,his finger,injured his wrist,slipped and cracked his bottom jaw on a desk,experienced the bizarre pain and discomfort of plantar fasciitis and injured his big toe -- but the viruses and bacteria have stayed far away. They were probably afraid to infect him fearing he'd accidentally kill himself and take them with him.

Friday, when he came through the door he was looking a tad more disheveled than usual, he mused that "I might be getting sick, I don't feel well at all." He is the master of understatement. Makenna and Riley, who normally lovingly refer to Bill as 'jackass',were concerned - Riley has never seen her dad sick and Kenna was so young she doesn't remember - they made him feel much better by worrying that he was going to die. Riley couldn't sleep Sunday night because she was hounded by visions of Bill, on his long commute to work, having a coughing fit, loosing control of the car and having a fatal accident. I don't know why our daughters have to kill us off whenever we are injured or ill -- wishful thinking?
Bill's much better and at work, where he belongs.

I started this morning by perusing the 'net for articles about the onerous statements that religious leaders have made;I don't think we have heard the last of the whole J. Wright debacle. I thought I would post a few links that would illustrate just how many times the likes of Pat Robertson (prayed away a hurricane) Jerry Falwell ("...blow them all to kingdom come in the name of the lord.") John Hagee (the catholic church is a cult)...well, you get my drift. Unfortunately, I stumbled upon a posting on YouTube that (somehow) led me to the videos of the commercials for Halo 3 (yeah, I had not seen them -- not a big YouTube fan)
and then linked from there to the vids of miraculous kills that gamers have made playing the game on LIVE and now I have wasted my 'puter time and have to get some school work done. I dream of the day that I live my life as a grown-up.

tv ministers, halo 3

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