Day #6 - What do you think about the state of the community?

Oct 06, 2009 13:38

He means furry, again.

Furry has been on the edge of falling apart and being destroyed and aliens eating all of our brains and the zombies rising up and someone somewhere is laughing at us since back in '94 (oh dear) when I started getting involved with fandom.

I think it's about to flash over, like anime did, where there will be furry characters on lunch boxes and people will drag their gaggle of kids along and attempt to go into inappropriate areas and all that.  I think we're gaining more notice, and that's going to mean more press (who are not your friends) and an increasing likliness that someone at work is going to realize you're one of THOSE.

There's way more girls than there were.  There was a time when I could count all the girls I knew in fandom (physical girls, not just played them online, and that includes those who present as female so I treat them accordingly.) on one hand.  I could have people find me by simply stating that I was the female.  This has long since past.

Lots of us are growing up, and becoming crumudgeony, and shaking our heads at the stunts kids pull these days-which of course are much more stupid than the really stupid stunts we used to pull when we were their age.  They don't realize the damage of what they do, but we didn't either when we were young.  The problem with common sense is it isn't, and you're dealing with people with different cultural and social mores than you, and so you are inherently not going to be able to understand one another.  Try to give some of them a chance-some of the young'uns are pretty damn pleasant.  Some of the old 'uns are too.

I would really like to see someone run a convention for furry as a kink.  Make no claims for it to be a social thing, don't try to be 501c anything.  Run it like the other kink conventions, in private.  Let them have somewhere to have their voice and their chance to let their freak flag fly, because while there is overlap, and I doubt it's as much as people seem to think, then we'd at least have a place where the line can be drawn.  Well, that and I'm idly curious what sort of costuming'd happen-not that I'd hug the fur suits then either.

I think it's telling that every time someone tries to start a little hole in the wall convention they get 300 people showing up.  I think the weird wonderful wackiness and the general themes are shot through a number of existing fandoms (sci fi, anime, fantasy all have strong furry elements) and we are increasingly acknowedged at those cons with sigs and even tracks.  I think varioius attemps will rise or fall on the merits of those who are trying them.
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