alright information first! The Wyldes WILL be back. At the moment the only way I can play the sims is with custom content off. Which makes playing their home just about impossible. So instead I offer you this little side show. The adventures of my self sim! This was meant to be a pictorial review of Bon Voyage and it got a little carried away. Oopsie! now, on with the show!
Meet Sarah Ford my self sim! My last name isn't Ford but Ford is PART of my last name, so there you go. I know when I released her she had brown hair, but I've dyed my own black since then! SO HA!
She is sporting the only non island themed hair that came for girls with Bon Voyage. Of course most of us have had this hair for a while. Way to go EA, why don't you give me something I don't already have?
She moved into this house! It's one of the ones that came packaged with the expansion pack. It's pretty cool, but small.
Really small!
I redecorated using MOSTLY the new furniture from Bon Voyage. I'm not going to show you everything, you can discover it for yourself, and that'd be boring.
Wallpaper and Flooring is new!
entry way.
I'm really enjoying that wallpaper! and the flowery bonsai bushy thing.
Kitchen Area
The tiles in the kitchen are new. Also there's the Japanese tea service thing!
Dining Area.
What? You don't enjoy eating under the severed horns of a majestic animal? They belonged to prongs! HAHAHA.
Little eensy sitting area.
I have a tropical/wooded/japanese theme going.
T.V. I actually kind of like this one! I like it in the cabinet.
I call this a room with a moose! (if you get it, I <3 you).
Bon Voyage came with jewelry including facial peircings. I always wanted a lip ring, so now my self sim also has one!
Another neat thing is that it with a bunch of new turn ons. Sarah is attracted to black hair and creativity! Kind of neat!
Hammock on the front lawn is totally classy y/y?
'Play' is one of the hammock options.
Side note. I have EXTREME motion sickness, if I did this in real life it would lead to EXTREME vomitting!
This is something that would be far more likely to happen to me.
Don't complain to me bitch! You're the one who was fucking around.
Way to read along with your lips, are you using your finger too? I'm disowning you!
Hot guy showed up with the welcoming committee. He's playable, but since this isn't a Legacy Sarah can mack him if she likes! TAKE THAT!
Since we have company, why not test out the tea service thingy majoo?
Civilization at it's best!
Deitre: I've kissed plenty of women, since I'm a sexy mcsexypants!
Sarah: oh yeah ... me too ... I kiss boys all the time!
He doesn't seem to mind.
Sarah: Check out my new camera! This will be totally awesome for stalking dean winchester taking pictures of my friends and family!
Since the whole point of this pack is to take a vacation I figured we should get on that.
She made her restervations for Wednesday, it's Monday now, so it gives us a day or two.
I hope that when I flirt with a guy that I don't make that desperate-I'm-going-to-watch-you-while-you-sleep-and-make-hair-dolls face.
Here we are trying out the photo delivery thinga majoo.
That's about the face I'm making right now .... weird.
The photo delivery truck looks strangely like the grocery truck!
Why do you need such a large truck to deliver a single photo?
... I think he's hiding bodies in there!
Our newly delivered picture! 15 dollars! Jesus.
Deitre's back, good thing too cause I've got some stuff to try out!
Like the massage table! O Hai sexy towel man!
It puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again!
I don't even know what to say! That would never happen to me!
Put his head through the door, that'll make him love you!
Sarah: So I hear you can WooHoo in a hammock. You uh ... wanna try?
guess he did. Of course ... this raises more questions than it answers though.
House of flying germans!
Sarah: oooh sparkly!
Deitre: phew! Hard work!
Sarah: I'm a woman
Next morning it's vacation time!
Airport van. Nothin' special here.
where the hell did that bag come from? And more importantly whats in it? That's my only change of clothes!
Here's my hotel. Jades retreat or some crap like that.
apparently she learned to get out of a car from
Lindsay Lohan Why no mr.bellhop, you don't look crazy at all -cough-
That's it. 478 dollars for a room with one full bed and no tv is totally reasonable.
Mr. Local Bald Man isn't interested in frilly pink dresses.
Screw you dude! You've got a comb over!
Here's my dinky little hotel room.
Small detail, but it's got one of those fire exit things on the back of the door like a real hotel. Nice touch!
Walking to a different lot. This is kind of handy actually! I hate calling taxi's.
I'm in your zen garden, raking your sand!
.... wut?
of course my fat ass headed straight for the food!
I think he's smiling like that because he's using poison.
Sarah: oooh I love poison I mean fish!
haha!I can't hold chopsticks! I'm not really holding them just using them to shovel food into my trap.
It may look like she's about to barf on her shoes, but no she's just greeting her.
Bitch! Please!
zomg! Room service!
She's a delicate flower!
Helicopter tour time!
Later on I went to the Shrine park and decided to make a wish.
Sarah: Please send me hot menz! PLEASE!
Sarah: OMG where the hell did that ninja come from!
After showing that she was worthy the ninja agree'd to teach her the ancient art of teleportation!
Teleportation taught suckas!
She really is me, after food she heads straight for the clothing.
This lady agreed to teach us accupressure for the low low payment of 500 wigwams!
does this need a caption? I don't think it does.
... and stop trying to look up my towel!
The new hot springs operates basically like a hot tub, only it's purttier!
For the walking tour you get to ride on the partridge family bus!
Sarah: I am the bowing MASTER! Hey, cute shoes!
also the Zen meditation masta! BOOYAH!
The Evil Charlatan. I love him so hard!
took another walking tour. I failed the chance card though, so ...
I was followed home by fucking bee's!
Coincidentally, this is how I react in real life when confronted with a bee.
Yes, I do run around flailing my arms, ask anyone that I worked with last summer!
Last night of vacation ... what should I do?
stuff my face! ... duh!
Doesn't everyone go to checkout in their hello kitty! jammies?
-sigh- I guess it's over. I got three vacation rewards which must've meant she had a good time. So woot!
Well ... that's all for now.
Will Sarah marry Deitre? Or will she meet someone more interesting? Will she burn like a lobster after heading to the beach? I DON'T KNOW!
What I do know is that if you guys would like I'll continue this story until I get the wyldes up and running again. What do you think?