so as you may recal. We ended last update with ZOMG BABY CLIFFHANGER!!!11one1!!!
Trent: The woman I love is having my first child! -scowl scowl-
Meet Zebra Wylde. A Girl with all of her mother's coloring.
I figured it was about time they tie the knot. Nothing fancy, just an old school bathroom wedding!
Marielle was too busy being a dumbass though to attend.
The next day we voodooize more people into loving Koala.
Mailman: So, I hear you're a cheating whore!
Koala: Oh yeah talk dirty to me! PLUSPLUS
if you think her boobs are scary now, just wait until she tricks you into her secret torture lair bedroom.
Koala: Someone better come have sex with me soon! I'm about to start swinging!
Creepy Maid: I love your mommy so much! Someday she'll leave that stupid husband of hers so we can kiss all the time. Then I would be your new mommy!
Aardvark has been spending a lot of time online talking about how much he hates teenagers.
Trent: something seems off about this ...
Trent: oh well, I'm sure it's nothing lalalala
Dragon grew up, and somehow aquired the ability to put his face through his shoulder
No matter how much you stare at him he wont become your own!
Some people never learn.
Dragon: Why does everyone keep stalking me?
Aardvark: Hey asshat! Get away from my daughter!
No one likes this relationship
Oh yeah, Here's Dragon!
Not AGAIN! Fugly Fireman: Why is this guy so dumb?
... I've been asking myself the same question for a long time now.
Koala: Just so you know, your kids will be gen 10. So they better be hot! No pressure or anything.
That robot has seen more action than anyone else!
What exactly is Addy doing to make you giggle like a schoolgirl ... no wait, nevermind.
Trent: ZOMG When did you get so fat? -shoves arm through door-
guess who's pregnant again!
This time Aardvark is telling his internet friends how all of his children were stupid!
this has become such a common occurrence I've really stopped taking pictures of it, lol.
Remember Zebra? Yeah no one else did either, and now she's PISSED.
apparently flying a kite is > Feeding your children.
Why does everyone need to stalk Dragon while he's sleeping?
Not even Mr.Robot wants to be with her!
Koala: Dear Internet, I hate you all. Seriously, everyone of you can kiss my ass. No really. Come to my house and kiss my ass. 20 LOVAS FTW!
Marielle still loves Dragon best of all.
And he loves her so much that he doesn't even care that with one water balloon she has prevented him from producing any children!
Koala: LABORZ!
Trent: lalala
Trent: -frowns- I was hoping you were just fat!
Meet Squirrel Wylde. He has his mother's skin and hair but light blue eyes, I can't think of anyone who has light blue eyes except .... BJ!
... lightening 49576767987978 / Sarah 1
I sent her downtown to find some new meat, I guess she doesn't approve.
She heads straight for the juice bar, classy.
Koala: this place sucks! I need more beer.
... it's 11:30 in the morning
Alright, Landgrabb is drinking from the tap, it's time to go.
Back at home we call up our old friend, Gyspy Hag.
Well, we already knew she wasn't picky and has no problem sucking face in front of her children.
pretty sure that's 8/20
Poor Dragon
look kid, I'm sorry she cheated on your step-dad and bio dad. But don't turn around! Micheal Jackson is behind you!
You're such a liar Koala! No on is going to believe a woman with three kids is a virgin!
Koala wanted to befriend one of her internet buddies. She even told him he could bring a friend over.
I think he was hoping for some sort of old man threesome!
I wouldn't even try this LTW without VooDoo doll!
He's number 10/20
(the mail man was in there somewhere too)
Koala: Aaah, What a beautiful morning to skank it up!
Aardvark! The crib is like 2 inches away!
Trent: You son of a biscuit eating bulldog!
... actually Bulldog was his grandfather!
Hai thar fox! Still looking Pimp I see
The creepy maid doesn't NEED a reason to be angry!
It can't be THAT bad!
Oh ... I see.
He's definitely his
Mothers son.
Squirrel grew up! ... into Elton John!
Squirrel thinks it's hilarious that grandma kicked daddies ass!
Trent: oh step-son, Love me!
Dragon: RAPE!
Here is Squirrel sans pink tux.
oh yeah, lol. It was Zebra's birthday too.
She's pretty much identical to her mother.
Zebra Wylde
Neat: 10
Outgoing: 7
Serious: 6
Grouchy: 1
Koala: You're so much cuter than your sister, she sucks!
Dragon: Stupid Zebra! I hate her!
I bet you're asking what Zebra was doing to deserve all this hate?
Sitting quietly alone on her bed all :D:D:D
Everyone just hates her for no reason.
Aardvark: Mr. Dragon says he will try not to hit you with a sock full of quarters, but he makes no promises.
I kind of hate her right now too, who gets heat stroke from sleeping!
Next morning I sent her out to cool off and her and dragon's animations matched. It creeped me out to no end.
SERIOUSLY? In Dragon's room? That just seems wrong!
Koala didn't care though, she's out on a date with internet perv!
Old Man: Lets talk about the weather! As an old person, I like talking about the weather!
Koala: You seriously want me to sex up this dude?
... you're the one with the 'Woohoo Cole In The Car' want, not me!
She got her booty walk back!
Koala: look, this was fun and all, but you're just a little TOO saggy, so I'm going to go home to my husband, who doesn't sag.
Trent: Do you know how much woohoo would hurt right now?
suck it up dude! You're wife has wants!
And so it was done!
Don't get too excited, that's a pity tip from Aardvark!
This is bonding right? Well ... I think it's as close as they are getting.
... what exactly are you guys looking at?
srsly tho? I give up.
that must've been some woohoo!
Dragon: zzz .... someday I'll get married ...zzzz ... and run far far away.
that's right baby, keep dreaming.
True Love.
Dragon: Mom, I'm sorry you're such a skank!
Koala: Damn right you're sorry ... wait .... what?
oops! but who's is it? Old Creeper or Trent?
OMFG. It was about this time I sought out that 'no vacation interactions' hack.
Can we get a close up on trent's face?
... awesome.
It never ends.
LOL. Oh Marielle!
Poor Marielle! D:
Trent was actually laughing. But I didn't get a picture of it. FREAK.
Good Bye Marielle. You were crazy as hell, and we will miss you!
Poor Aardvark! He cried the most.
Squirrell had a shit fit too. Which is funny because I can't remember Marielle ever actually interacting with him!
I know for a fact that isn't twins (when she popped there were 7 people in the house) But DAMN she's huge.
Hey! Atleast you're not failing anymore! We wont get those threatoning popups from the social worker!
Dragon: Lets run away together ok?
Little girl: OKAY! :D:D:D
Koala: When you grow up you should have lots of enemies!
Squirrel: You people are full of shit!
Trent thinks growing up bad is sexy!
Squirrel is a white BJ.
I suppose it could be worse though
Squirrel Wylde:
Neat: 10
Outgoing: 7
Active: 9
Playful: 4
Nice: 5
Someone else grew up as well.
He rolled Knowledge with an LTW to become a Mad Scientist
and OMG He has
Shark's cheek bones!
I got teen style stuff and gave him a makeover to match his I hate the world loading screen (he has -99 and -100 with Koala and Trent)
I seriously think the crazy is genetic!
Aardvark: You turned my daughter into a HOR POKEPOKE
Aardvark: Hehe, I'm so awesome!
Trent: Hello! I can't sit on my daughters bed!
I couldn't figure out why that kept happening, and then I realized that when I hovered over their queue that she was 'inviting to join' everyone.
... I am not looking forward to her being a teen.
Dragon: Dear Internet, why has no one noticed how smokin' hot I am? I deserve some booty too!
I actually really like Teen Style Stuff. Look! The side of his computer is see through! -easily amused-
Nother Gypsy Hag date!
Big Nose: Wash that make up off! You look like a WHORE!
thanks for reading!