(no subject)

Nov 16, 2009 17:14

Skylar asked:

So, have the doctors figured out what's going on?

It's hard to say. I've been temporarily pigeonholed as "fibromyalgia with nerve dysfunction" even though my patterns of pain do not, in any way, fit typical fibro patterns. I'm in the process of moving my neuro care to Johns Hopkins, in hopes of finding a doctor who actually cares to find what's causing all of my nerve dysfunction, rather than just trying to medicate it away.

So in a way, they have, in that they've pegged me with the disease that means "We have a clue", even though recent moves within that community have shown commonalities that don't at all describe my presentation.

Admittedly, however, I've stopped chasing it as much as I was earlier this year. I've been hit with some major, life-crippling fatigue, so it's very difficult for me to find the strength to keep making doctor's appointments when nothing changes.

And how are you?

Tired but inspired. Physically, like I said, I have some major fatigue. It's coupled with some sleepless nights due to pain and/or tics. I'm fighting off some depression, which is made more difficult by being sick.

However, I'm developing some new Relationships that bring me a lot of joy. I am starting to finally chase a dream that's been haunting me for quite some time. I've been teaching a lot, playing a lot, and logging into the Universe more than the Internet, which has actually made me pretty happy.

Oh, and on a non-health related note: teach any good bdsm-related classes lately?

My Kink Spirituality class has been really well attended at the last few events I've been at. It tickles me pink when I get to teach my BDSM for Bigger Bodies class. Right now, I'm writing two new classes, one on identity, and one on "Old Guard"/leather/gay traditions that have bled into the kink community. (I don't have a classy sounding name for it yet.)

Ed asked:

Question: Do I miss your stupid butt and want to come down and hit the Waffle House with the DelMonster?
(Hint: The answer is "yes".)

You're totally welcome to come, and I've heard you have other excuses for visiting our fair area, so just do it and shut up about it already. :)

Zammis asked:

What are you needing these days? and what are you wanting? on any level you care to share?

It's hard for me to differentiate need from want (like most people), but I'll do my best.

Need: Willing drivers, since Ninja is also legally off the road for a while. I *can* drive, but I really shouldn't. More quiet. A couple new pairs of jeans. The P key on my blackberry fixed.

Want: Friends who understand I don't answer my phone/my email when I don't feel well enough to engage, and that has nothing to do with our friendship. I would rather save the energy for face to face stuff. To be able to sleep as much as I feel I need to without feeling bad about it. More work that paid in cash, or used food as a barter.

Fred tried:

to the point i want a phone call?
I don't think this is a real question.

Alex posed:
Dear Del:

When might I get to bask in your awesomely awesome presence again? I know that I will likely be at Beltane down there as well as FSG, and maybe Dark Odyssey Winter Fire.

Your butt has also not dialed me lately, which makes me sad. :)


I'm guessing you've got it there. I don't forsee myself going up to Mass until the winter is over at the very least. And I'll get on my butt on the lack of buttdialing.

Glenn asked:
Did you get
the flickr link I sent you, and should I post it for all to see?

I don't think so. :( This makes me sad. Did you send it to awesome dot del at gmail?

Teem reminisced, and then remembered:

Hi! I was just looking through some pictures and saw your photo from our wedding--have you done anything interesting with your hair lately?

Interestingly enough, I had my girlfriend over this weekend to dye her hair purple for a school project. I legally can't be that close to hair dye supplies without doing something. Up until then, since Halloween, I've been sporting purple and yellow. We both bleached our hair with my product of choice, "Flash Lightning" by Manic Panic, and we both experienced less-than-best results. In my case, it didn't leech out all of the dye like it normally does, although it did get my roots rid of their color. So now I have hot pink bangs (purple+bleach=hot pink) and bleach-blonde mohawk with yellow tinge (yellow+bleach=mostly bleached blonde with some yellow that wouldn't leave).

I'm going to leave it like this for a while, since it's not great for your hair to bleach it over and over again. However, I did buy a jar of Electric Turquoise...and inherit the rest of my girlfriend's purple. However, I really want to find some safety-orange dye...
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