I figured out how to get the FM tuner for my ipod to work in my car. It's awesome and considering the fact my CD player hates me it rocks. So I have better than CD quality sound from it too so now i can listen to whatever i want when i'm driving and don't have to worry about changing CDS. Woot! i suggest it to anyone who has an ipod and drives a lot.
Kali's going to be a year old on Thursday. Man does time fly. She's gotten sooo big she weighs more than me now. Unfortunatley she doesn't realize how big she is and take running jumps on top of me when i'm sitting on the couch.
She also picked out our xmas tree this year. She was upset when we decorated it and is now sad that we've gotten rid of it but here's a pic of her sitting in front of it. (And yes that's drool coming out of her mouth, it has gotten bad lately)