Hanging in there...

Aug 25, 2009 22:52

I am still around. Learning how to deal with the pain again and everything else with the surgeries. Luckily they were able to take out some of the hardware in my back but not all of it. So, now I get to carry around a nifty little card to let people know why I set off metal detectors now. lol.

Seams like a lot of crappy/sad stuff is haping to me right now. I am just trying to deal with it as best as I can and go on with my life. As a friend once told me I am a survive. I guess I will survive.

I have started to reread the Harry Potter series agian. For about the 6th time. I do it everytime one of the movies comes out just so I can remember what all is different between the two. But I am having fun doing it.

There are a lot of series I am planning on reading afterwards, the Twilight series, and the Eve series just for starters. I might want to throw in some John Ringo in there somewhere just for spice.

So got to go, I hear pages calling me.. lol
Take care
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