Oct 15, 2008 22:32
For those of you who aren't aware today is Blog Action Day (see blogactionday.org) and this year's theme is Poverty.
Given that much of my childhood was spent in what would be considered to be poverty for a 1st world country and my work with and for various world aide organisations (especially World Vision and Save The Children) poverty is a subject which I've long considered to be close to my own heart. I would have liked to have been able to take more time with this and to write a more detailed post however other events in my life today have not allowed for it.
Instead I will settle for this little and somewhat inadequate post in which I will ask you all to take some time out today to think about the fact that just being in a situation in which you are able to read this post probably makes you richer than a great deal of the world's population. I hope you all appreciate the things you have that other people don't. Education. Food. Clean water. Electricity. Shelter.
I would also hope that some, if not all, of you will do something today to help those who live and die in poverty each and every day. Drop a few cents in a collection tin in a supermarket. Sign up to sponsor a child living in a third world country. Donate (or arrange to donate) some time to a local charity you work with the underpriviledged in your area. Sign a petition or sign up to a world aide charity's e/mailing list. Visit a site like freeproverty, freerice, kiva or goodseach. Any contribution you are willing and able to make is appreciated and goes towards bettering the lives of people in serious need.
Remember, whatever your situation is in life there is almost always someone who has it worse and you can help to make it better.
blog action day,