So, I started writing during my lunch hour at the desk at my temp job (on my own computer, though), based on a verbal description of prompts read to me by a friend. I finished the first substantial piece after I got home.
Once here, I saw that
allykat asked for a southern nursery rhyme. I have two children's rhymes to share with you for free, one whose origin is obscure, and one obviously Empire propaganda. Both have been heard on the streets of Affamarg.
Blinkbird smiles
While miners frown
Earth shakes, Earth quakes
The world falls down
The Empire brings food
The Empire brings wealth
Bye bye bad borders
And hello good health
I also have a moon myth, inspired by last month's request for a moon myth, a cool moon mask picture posted by
kelkyag , and the picture of mountaintops, called Gate to the Wilderness, posted by
ysabetwordsmith .
Kasiikar’s New Hunting Ground is the Yasiluu's story of how Torn World came to have moons. It also shows the mythic origin of one of the Yasiluu's dog breeds.
It's 2200 words; you can sponsor it for $25.00 (or multiple people can donate toward sponsoring it), and I'll post the rough here immediately. I'll also make the story visible to the public once on the Torn World site once it's edited and approved by the canon board. All sponsors are listed as patrons on the Torn World site unless they request anonymity. Edit: part of this story has been sponsored; $15 remaining.
And finally, I have another children's rhyme, Got To Have A License, three stanzas, which I'll post for $3.00. has been sponsored and posted.
And two more edits, since Ellen is calling this my wrap-up post:
Harp of Feathers has also been sponsored and posted.
And finally, the result of writing until I had to go sleep was waking up with another story in mind. Bayarl's Yiirk, 950 words, $10 if anyone wants to sponsor a late story.
Now, back to writing!