I have a beautiful old Victorian house that had been in a state of deferred maintenance when I got it, and haven't had money to fix all the things that it needs, much less bring it to a modern state of insulation. So when the temperature plummets suddenly, the furnace lags behind, and it's not warm inside. It's far from freezing, but it's not shirtsleeves-comfortable. And I'm not as far along on making the insulated drapes I've been working on as I wished, though there are pieces of warm material being cut, and cut brocade, draping the dining room table.
So I'm sitting here in sweat pants and a coat, eagerly awaiting #scifichat, which starts in about an hour. Today, the plan is to do worldbuilding for a shared-world anthology, which will be open to submissions by speculative fiction writers who use Twitter.
It's from 2-4 p.m. Eastern Standard time, which is 1-3 Chicago time.
I hope I like the world we create!
In other shared world news -- Torn World is getting closer and closer to being open, with stories and art available for reading and enjoyment. And Ellen made a comment that there will be extras for people who join before New Years; I don't know the details, but you can check out
ellenmillion 's journal for links and stuff. I'd go look them up, but I want to get this reminder out in case any of my friends want to join in the chat.