Clare-Dragonfly wrote a story from a prompt I gave her! Go check it out:
Steam Therapy.
In other news, I didn't manage to properly write it up, but for those of you who heard that my equinox evening was disrupted by an escaped cat, she got in safely. She wouldn't come to the door when called, and wouldn't let us catch her outside, even with canned cat food in hand. We finally resorted to trickery and rank bribery--we opened the window that opens onto the front porch, having first closed the living room doors, and then opened a new can of cat food. The other cats set up a caterwauling--there was canned cat food and they weren't getting any. She came in to investigate and eat, and we closed the window. Once safe inside, she was delighted to be picked up and petted.
And now, I'm going to stop typing with my eyelids drooping and fall in bed! See you all again soon.
P.S. Leftover steak, the second half of a can of peas, fresh basil, and purple haze goat cheese is a wonderful way to use leftovers! Next time I'll try adding some sautee'd onions.