2010 and the Dandelyon; 2011 and the Wyld

Jan 02, 2011 01:32

It's been a busy year. A year ago the Torn World site opened to the public, and I've been active on the editorial board all year. I've also been working on Torn World stories, art poetry, and worldbuilding.

Over the course of the year, I've had 26 stories, 11 poems, and 14 pieces of art published there, as well as more art, illustrating some of the worldbuilding articles onsite. One of the stories, Building a Home, which was Dini and Lalya's debut story, was featured in ErgoFiction.

Despite how busy I was with Torn World, I also did other writing. Deep Dreams was published in the Best of Friday Flash 2009, and Vibrations of Battle, Vibrations of Joy was published in Crossed Genres. And my story, Boney Fingers, survied several edit requests to be accepted into Magicking in Traffic, while another story, co-written with RJ Astruc, was accepted into another anthology. Though, of course, I collected many more rejections than acceptances.

I didn't do everything I set out to do; I didn't finish Fireborn, though I did add to it. I also didn't finish Clockwork Dragon (though I did get our boiler replaced, so we have heat again).

And I started a new diet, trading hours spent reading or writing fiction for hours spent reading ingredient lists.

I started the year unemployed, and have had three different long-term temporary gigs, though the first one ran doctors' appointment to doctor's appointment. I'm going to miss the people where I'm working now; the last day of work there is scheduled for January 7.

I'm still pondering New Year's --not resolutions-- goals, I suppose. I want to getg back to the Feather-Blessed Dragons stories. I want also to finish Clockwork Dragon and Fireborn. I'd like to collaborate again with RJ.

I'm definitely continuing with Torn World, and with writing and submitting shorter things.

I had toyed with the idea of making at least 100 submissions in 2010; I didn't quite make that, even counting Torn World. This year, I'm toying with trying to manage at least 10 submissions a month. I suspect that having a shorter tracking period might help keep me focused. And I also want to do more music and more art, and get my house less cluttered and in better shape.

Oh, well, it's late. I can sleep on this stuff before deciding on which goals to tackle first.

If anyone has thoughts, ideas, or preferences, you're welcome to share!

new years, year, publications, writing, plans, life

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