Oct 15, 2004 04:57
I am a moron. I just assumed i could register for the gre whenever, i mean who wants to take it during fall break anyways? apparently i was not the only one, apparently i am also not the only one who would like to take it before nov 15, since all the spots in south bend are full...also all the spots on tuesday, my ideal day are also full. So I will be making the trek out to ft wayne on wednesday, to take the gre.....i am a moron. I will be leaving here in time to get there a little before 12, since my test is at 12:30...jo would you like to share with me what time exactly that puts me at leaving here? once more, can i say i am a moron...and oh taht its 5 am. i am still awake, i am about to take a short little nap, before getting back up to study more, come up with my inorganic paper topic, do my inorganic homework, go to class, take a test, go to class, shower, go to lab...nattles and ky looks like lunch is not happening tomorrow.