Bank Error in My Favor???

May 03, 2007 13:36

I need an opinion.. though perhaps more of what i need is justification--help ease the conscience and what-not.

First, let me just state that it is a physical impossibility for me to spend less than $40 at target, especially now that we have a super target. Even more problematic is going there after I've had an afternoon workout and haven't yet ate dinner--damn you ben and jerry and you too tollhouse.

I went in to simply get cat food and maybe a loaf of bread. That was all. That was the plan. But I've been wanting a couple of cd's for a while (which i figured to be too 'indie' for target to really have) and I walked right by women's clothes on the way over there and a cute sundress was begging to be tried on.... anyway you get the point.

My shoppng list: 1. Iams 2. bread

What I actually left with:
1. Iams
2. Hamburger buns
3. Bagels
4. Juice
5. other food stuff that struck me as yummy as i walked by starving (none of those fruits/veggies that i should be getting)
6. The Decemberists cd
7. Silversun Pickups cd (on sale!)
8. Pair of super cute bermuda shorts
9. Sundress

To be honest, I wasn't paying too much attention during checkout... though another employee and my checker-outer got in an argument about breaks and how long they should be vs how long they were working. Point to this story (yes, I do have one): my total seemed a bit lower than i was expecting, but I didn't spend that much time adding up all my items so no biggie... At a stoplight on the way home, I decided to go over my receipt in greater detail. I was never charged for that sundress. Now, should i have gone back to tell random 17 year old at the customer service counter (who would more than likely would have laughed at me) that I was not charged for it? or Just kept driving (as I did)? Is this something that I should let bother me? or Do I just chalk it up to the extra benefit of always shopping at target and this is their way (without knowing it) of giving that love back?
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