"Not for the squeamish"

Dec 11, 2006 04:54

This has been a very bad weekend, one of the worst i can remember. Its so bad I can't even pick out which part has been the worst: the vomiting for 12 straight hours, being hooked up to an IV for 3+, or the current insomnia/headache one-two punch. I really think this last one is just icing on the cake.

It seems I had a lovely case of suspected food-poisoning on Friday night--I'll spare you the details of what that plus 4 beers did to me but i didn't believe a human body could vomit quite that much before this weekend--and that includes the time i did approx 8ish shots of tequila in less than 2hrs. Needless to say, that led to a bit of dehydration (anytime i tried to drink water it didn't have the chance at staying in my system for more than 10-20 mins). As much as I hate needles (and i really, really do) by the time i was at the urgent care center an IV was sounding like a great idea, and it would have been a good one except for the fact it wasn't done quite right the first time. After less than 10 min, my hand started going numb and my bicep was in pain on my left arm. Nurse #1 had to bring in Nurse #2 who barely took any time to turn of the IV and take it out of my arm. While i was waiting on a decision on retrying the IV, #2 came in with another needle to take blood for the lab out of my right arm. After some convincing from the dr (which included the possibility of ending up in the hospital overnight if i didn't) I decided to try the IV again, this time I was promised that Nurse #2, who is much more skilled with needles, would be in charge--why is it places never seem to use the best person first to take blood or poke someone with needles? It's like having both the '99 Pedro and '06 Julian Tavarez on your roster and going with Tavarez as the starter and only after he does the inevitable and screws up by loading the bases and walking in a run that Pedro is brought in (and, yes, I have used part of my time tonight as an insomniac to read simmons' book "now i can die in peace").

So now, I lie awake not sure if it has anything to do with getting 12 hrs of sleep last night, the half gallon of dr. pepper i drank at the vista watching the pats lose to the dolphins today, or the lovely movie i watched tonight, requiem for a dream, which has done nothing but make me think about needles and how i could never ever do drugs. Have i mentioned just how not good with needles i am? Yeah, definitely not for the squeamish.
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