I'm not that funny

Mar 23, 2009 10:21

...but the drugs make me think I am! :D


[10:11] Eridan: man. my friend bill has the best adventures
[10:11] lostoverethernet: yeah
[10:11] lostoverethernet: him and his buddy ted
[10:11] lostoverethernet: good times
[10:11] Eridan: he's an antique nut. went antiquing a month or two ago. got a mantle clock
[10:12] Eridan: finally got around to trying to fix it
[10:12] Eridan: found a bottle of honest to go radium paint in it
[10:12] lostoverethernet: !!!
[10:12] Eridan: had to get hazmat radioactive disposal
[10:12] Eridan: yeah
[10:12] Eridan: and the clock is hotter than hell too
[10:13] Eridan: so yeah
[10:13] Eridan: good times, good times
[10:13] Eridan: but shit like that never happens to me
[10:13] Eridan: and i'm not sure if i'm envious, or grateful
[10:14] lostoverethernet: I'm going with grateful
[10:14] lostoverethernet: radiation overdose wasn't on MY list of things to do today
[10:14] lostoverethernet: and it shouldn't be on yours either.
[10:14] Eridan: not particularly, no
[10:15] Eridan: turns out keeping it in the garage was probably the best thing he COULD have done
[10:15] Eridan: it sat on the workbench and waited, malevolently, for him to have a free nice weekend
[10:16] lostoverethernet: hahahaha
[10:16] lostoverethernet: and then
[10:17] lostoverethernet: after plotting its vengeance
[10:17] lostoverethernet: sitting and lurking
[10:17] lostoverethernet: waiting
[10:17] lostoverethernet: yea verily STALKING HIM
[10:17] lostoverethernet: ...
[10:17] lostoverethernet: the CLOCK
[10:17] lostoverethernet: ...THE CLOCK WOULD STRIKE.
[10:17] Eridan: ...........
[10:17] lostoverethernet: :D !!


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