Jun 23, 2008 12:26
It's hurricane season again, and as the web developer of the local paper, well, I feel like I have a bit of a responsibility to the readers.
Let's say a hurricane rolls through, and it's bad enough for you to evacuate. You've gone up to some random place with air conditioning and internet access. Power is out, and the TV stations are only providing generalized coverage of the event ("Look at this floating lawnchair! Isn't it scary?").
You've got the website of your local paper, though, and we're got constantly-updating information about very specifically local information (neighborhood to neighborhood). What sort of information do you want to see? What sort of questions would you want to have answered by visiting a local website?
A few things come to mind: "Is the power back on?" "Is the water safe to drink?" "Is my neighborhood okay?"
But what would you want to see? Maps, charts, graphs, stories, pictures? General information? Specific information?
Give me ideas here; they'll probably be implemented for this hurricane season.