Jan 11, 2008 11:16
Apparently "Please remember where we download this file to, because we'll need it in a moment" means "completely forget where we put it and prove yourself totally inept at navigating a file system.
At this point I'm about to start advocating a ham radio-style licensing structure for computer users. To get a license to use a computer, you have to pass a proficiency test. Maybe the "Novice" level includes basic file tree navigation, clicking (left and right), and opening and saving your own files in various directories. Backing up would be nice, too. These users are allowed to use basic office suite programs, and the internet, and nothing else.
Then you could have an intermediate license, a Technician's license, which would let you do things like boot into safe mode, and do things like repair network connections. This licensing level would require that you understand and be able to apply these concepts.
A General license could be next, and it'd let you do things like log into an Administrator's account, and reformat your hard drive. Load device drivers. Things like that.
The Extra license grants you the ability to install an OS other than the one that shipped with your computer.
I like this. It needs refinement, but I think that with enough lobbying support from the Abused L1 Technical Representative's Union, we could get it done.