Apr 03, 2006 19:26
Not much going on here in the land of Sean. I had a very nice time on Saturday evening. Matt came over and I got to cook a nice meal for him and Pat and then we watched a horrible movie. The conversation afterwards was great. I'm growing kinda fond of this Matt guy. I guess I shouldn't talk about him like he's not here.
On Sunday, I had an impromptu date with a guy who goes by the name of Tim from "Sminings." Tim is 39 and will be 40 in July. He's a pretty good guy and we hit it off fairly well. We will be going out together again soon at some date that has yet to be determined.
My depression is coming and going now; it is like riding a roller coaster. Well, riding coasters is one of my favorite things so I guess that's not a good comparison because this has been anything but fun. Today I fared well even though it was one of the most hectic days I've had at CNN since hurricane season. We are now reporting almost 30 fatalities from severe storms that spawned at least 68 tornadoes on Sunday. I attended the dreaded editorial meeting this morning. My boss is on vacation and we are expecting another tornado outbreak in the Midwest on Thursday. I managed to hold myself together today and actually went for a jog after I got home from work.
The time change is screwing with my sleep in a bad way. I have a difficult time sleeping when its still daylight outside and I need to be in bed by at least 8 in order to function properly at 5 in the morning. I took some Benadryl about 30 minutes ago and I'm starting to feel whoozy ...
I guess its time for the whining to cease.