road trip part 1

Mar 08, 2005 02:30

k, so im back in O-town now. this place is sooo f'n BORING when no1s around, ugh. this has been the most unproductive day EVER. at least i hit the road again on wednesday, i can't wait.

so, everything thus far has gone according 2 plan, 4 the most part at least. i headed out 2 goucher on saturday morning. i should add that consider myself extremely lucky that i was able 2 go... like 1/2 n hour b4 i left mommy found a handle of capt'n mo in the bag i had brought back from RWU, and mommy + finding my rum = MAD MOMMY (and no rum :-[ ). so fortunately she still let me take the car. the drive down was ez enough, take the GWB 2 95, follow it 4 3 hours and u'r basically there. i only ran into trouble when i actually got onto campus, and of course since i didn't hav a cell phone i had 2 play a bit of hide-n-seek w/ lindsey. she found me about 20 minutes after i got there, wandering lost among the roads of goucher. hehehe, i think she almost killed me 4 not having a phone. anyways, once i was found she introduced to 2 alla her friends n gave me a tour of a small section of the campus. every1 there was really cool and friendly, well except this 1 kid cameron, who was well... special... and seemed 2 think i was his best friend in the world and talked my ear off 4 a good 15 minutes about y ppl refer 2 cities as "things" and other nonsensicle topics. and the campus is absolutely amazing... it sure as hell puts mine 2 shame. and the dorm we were in... godDAMN!! i could seriously fit 7 of of my dorm room in their suite. im jealous :-p . so anywayz, at night we played poker 4 like 4ever, which was also a lot of fun, and i came up w/ a $5 profit, bong :-p. we never ended up goin out 2 the club 'cuz anna was 'deathly' sick, but s'all good, it was still fun, we chilled w/ every1 til like 3am.

then sunday mornin we jus hung around the dorm, went 2 brunch (their food also owns RW's), i called brian n allen 2 get the OK 2 come visit them in DC and then i b'zounced 2 catholic university. an hour later i was playin hide n seek again... it took me 45 minutes 2 find the right dorm... hehehe. no cell phone's r awesome :-p . so once i found brian we chilled 4 a while, his friends r also mad chill, and then we went on a grand tour of his arch. studio, *shiver*... i hate architecture, but they do some amazing work at that place, much more sophisticated than my school...

then at dinner time allen came down from his house in maryland, and drove us out 2 dinner and 2 c his dorm (which reminded me sooo much of the NYC projects... it smelled EXACTLY the same and was just as shitty)... fuckin rich foreigners w/ their own houses and $50,000 cars... lol. anyway, it was great c'n him 4 the 1st time ina year n a 1/2; we all had an awesome time.

then when we got back 2 catholic... the visitor's lot that i had parked in... alla the cars were gone except 4 mine, n the gates were locked... FUCK!! ...i went bananas... causing me 2 forget my OTHER camera in allen's car (i swear it should b illegal 4 me 2 own portable electronics)... but i escaped by doin some off-roading in my soccer-mom-mobile; i drove through the edge of the park n over the sidewalk 2 freedom, it was mad fun (well i thought so til i realized my camera was gone while i was somewhere in delaware...) *sigh*, at least i can get it back this time...

and otherwise the trip back was awesome, i got back home from DC in exactly 4 hours (2 the minute) entirely w/out directions (thats how ez that drive is). so the last 2 days hav been incredible, thx much 4 all 3 of u guys 4 lettin me visit. next comes bing on wednesday 2 c sue, jimmy, n chen. w00 excitement.


ok so that's been life 4 the last few days. but 2night i also hav an angry rant topic 4 y'all, woohoo. basically: relationships r the root of all evil. although im never in them, i hate them. they destroy everything and everyone. why do girls turn guys into such little BITCHES!?!?

jooboi, this is 4 u 1st, im sorry 4 using the convos u send me against u but AHH!! u hook up w/ this girl a day ago and already u sound like a lovestuck 2 year old, GRAH!! and the annoyin thing is that after u n emily broke up, u'r all "i can't believe i was like that, blahblah" and now things pick up w/ another girl and u already admit that ur whipped but u'r jus like "eh, that's the way's it's gonna b." god u will NEVER hear the end of it if u 2 become official, u keep acting that way, things go wrong, and u start bitchin bout how u were so whipped. and i could put a bet on it happening. it happens EVERY MOTHERFUCKIN TIME!! 2 every single motherfuckin 1 of u!!! (theres actually a single exception i'll mention later).

sooo, who's next now that i've bashed houm enough... RICK!! i hope u saw this comin, i know u get a lotta shit 4 this as is, but it's my turn 2 add 2 it. u r the KING (or queen) of this. mister angry god of death metal who, when he meets a girl, turns into some1 who makes minnie mouse look like vin diesel. when u come back 2 o-town, u complain more about missing MJ than my sis does when i make her miss an episode of yu-gi-oh. and ya sure can make ur friends feel insignificant when we try n hav fun while we're together but an hour after ya leave there's an entry in here sayin how much u wish u werent in o-town n that u wish u could go back 2 oneonta. i realize that may sound harsh and i wanna emphasize that this is meant 2 b constructive, i dont in any way mean 2 attack any1 4 the hell of making them feel bad, but some things need 2 b said after a while. and also rick, trust me, im real happy 4 ya that u found some1 that u care that much about, it's real great, i wish i had what u did, but the ways ya handle it sometimes can b frustrating 2 others, i jus think u should b aware of that.

next: drama in general. i've begun 2 think more about this after visitin goucher n reading lindsey's journal. there is such a significant difference in the amount of drama that occurs between goucher and roger williams. at goucher u can practically feel it in ur bones, while every1 there was really cool n i appreciate them all, there's such an apparent lack of trust between ppl; every1s talkin behind every1s back constantly. and mind u i was only there 4 a day. while it was great being there 4 a day, i can tell i'd go crazy if i was there 4 more than a week. and the cause: waaay 2 many single guys and girls interacting 2 closely in the same area. y do i think this? go 2 my school and u'll c immediately, our unit has a total of 3 single girls, none of who hang out with the rest of the floor. there's no1 who we're all around constantly 2 fight and get jealous over. the result: every1s MUCH more carefree and every1 has a good time w/out mistrust, tension, or gossip. and while it frustrating sometimes not having a girl 2 aim 4, i've come 2 realize that its better that way, and im sooo glad that the majority of our unit's staying 2gether next year.

now back 2 pin-pointing people, i mentioned an exception b4. this would b tommy. i know he doesnt read these things but i've gotta say i hav a lot of respect 4 him in the way he balances relationships and multiple groups of friends. when he was w/ maria, it was the only time i've ever felt that i was on equal ground w/ a friends g/f. he was the only person who, if she called wanting 2 hang out, would turn her down without getting all depressive that he was preoccupied w/ other ppl. he jus had a way of avoiding being an asshole.

and that's all i planned on saying on this topic. and i know i've been guilty of similar things b4, but i feel like some ppl just don't learn from their past experiences, and it's ridiculously frustrating watching it happen 2 the same ppl time and time again.

afternote: while writing this i was talking 2 nahoum, and i think we've come 2 a better understanding of things regarding these relationships. i've also come 2 realize that reason i dread c'n ppl react that way 2 girls is that i've experiences, far 2 many times, people changing into a completely different person cuz because they've become involved w/ some1, and being able 2 c that change takin place in ya already honestly scared the shit outta me jooboi. i feel like i can have the best talks about relationships n stuff of this sort w/ ya and i know that once u find a girl that'll all b gone, maybe i'm jus afraid of change... i dunno, this shit's depressin the hell outta me though. anyway, hopefully things work out 4 the best... ima keep what i wrote up there^ though cuz i still think it's relevant. and good luck w/ sally dude.

yeh, im done w/ this now... i need sleep. 'night all.
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