Your level of jerk-dom is mind boggling

Apr 02, 2005 15:01

I'm COVERED in paint. You figure being an artist of sorts, I would be more careful not to splash myself when I'm painting around the house. Evidently, not. Man I'm exhasted, I've been doing this for a good 5 hours now. Lots of general shit to write about though, so this is my offical break.

Going on a date with pick up line dude (also known as Mike for you uptight asses who want to be labeled with NAMES...yeesh) on sunday. I really don't want to take him to my usual date spots, but I literally can't think of anything else to do. Indian food, coffee, beer and comics it is. Unless he can think of something better to do, in which case I'm all for it. *tents fingers* I do hope he likes spicy food. It's bloody scary how alike our sence of humour is, I talked to him for FIVE MINUTES and he quoted simpsons TWICE, that should tell you something. WEEEE, DATING!

I dyed my hair again, I'm back to really deep red instead of that orangey kinda stuff I had going on. I liked the colour I had before, but this makes my pale ass skin and green eyes pop more. Only I missed a chunk right along my part, so I've got this blondish red streak right in the middle of things. Looks kinda cool, but I wish I had been more careful.

So the pope is dying. Not that it matters, because they're just going to put someone just as narrow minded and bloody stupid in there. 3 things to address here...
1. The way they test if he's dead yet is to tap him three times on his head with a silver hammer and call his name. If he doesn't respond, he's dead. *ahem* maybe you want to...oh I dunno...check his pulse or something? I'd laugh if they did it when he was just taking a nap.
2. This guy wakes up every morning in fucking PJ's made out of gold. WHAT oh WHAT can heaven possibly offer him? The newscaster was like "and surely, when he does pass on, he'll be in a much better place." Who can beat what the bloody church offered this guy? He could say shit like "I want to take a bath in sheep RIGHT NOW" and it would happen.
3. Do you think, as he lies on his death bed, that it's occured to him that maybe there isn't a heaven? I mean...what a mind fuck, when you're sitting there and suddenly it dawns on you, right near the end, that maybe this life is all you've got, and you've fucking WASTED it? Just MAYBE you've thrown away every last second the universe has handed out to you...fucked up eh?

Terry Schiveno *I think that's how you spell it, I'm working from memory here* is dead. I THOUGHT I'd be happy about that, since I personally agree with euthenasia, especially for veggies. I mean...YOU'RE gone, your brain is a pile of meat, you can't think, you can't communicate, you can't react. Even if you WERE alive and well in your own brain, I personally would want to die, that's like a life sentence to solitary confinment. So ORIGINALLY I agreed with her husband to let her die, and disagreed with her family SIMPLY BECAUSE they were using religious garbage as their defence. When she died, I thought I'd be happy, instead I was conflicted. I mean...they STARVED her. There's a big difference in my books between unplugging a machine that's keeping someone's heart beating and fucking purposely not feeding them. Her basic everything still worked, she could breathe, digest, filter blood, pump and her cells went right on doing their thing. The only thing that didn't work was her, that's not reason enough to keep her alive, in fact it's a pretty good arguement that if she's not going to know the difference, why waste time and money trying to hold onto someone who obviously isn't there? would take minimal effort to keep her in the loop. She didn't need costly machines, she didn't need constant care, she needed to be turned every once in a while, she needed to be fed, and her bedpan needed to be emptied. And if her family disagreed with it SO much, why not just transfer care over to them? Why fight so fucking hard to "let" your wife die? You didn't let nature take it's course, sure she couldn't take care of herself, but man, all you had to do was feed her! You had to deprive that woman of a basic need that would kill ANYONE, and that's murder in my books. If you do something that would literally kill ANYONE, regardless of condition, you fucking murdered her. I just can't understand why he wouldn't just hand her over to her family if he didn't want to deal with her, I'm sure the law would understand and they'd make a law for THAT. It pisses me off that I'm like this when it comes to a grey area, but still's so fucked up.

Anyway, must go back to painting, I'm suppose to do something with Keith tonight, and that means the front hall needs to be at least mostly done before I feel alright about going out. Toodles!

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