Kanaya Maryam
M.S. Paint Adventures: Homestuck
"the vvillage twwo wwheel devvice wwhen it comes to auspisticing"
okay first an foremost you all see that club up there right
good it means shes part a my ashen quadrant to be more specific shes the auspistice wwhich makes a wwhole lot a fuckin sense considerin shes a serious meddler theres a REASON i called her the vvillage twwo wwheel auspisticin devvice
so all a you bilgedrinkers can just fuck off on gettin her to fuss wwith you shes taken got it
but aside from that i mean wwere friends really good friends evven if she frustrates me to no end sometimes wwith her stupid lowwblood wway a phrasin thins an her wwhole meddly nature
still i really do care about her evven outside a bein in a quadrant an wwere goin to get off this stupid zeppelasylum or wwhatevver its called evventually an anyone wwho tries to interfere wwith that or cull her or some shit is goin to be on the business end a SCIENCE an they wwont like it one fuckin bit
Andrea Norton
St. Trinian's
"damn soft lookin pitiful human"
an here wwe are wwith the clubs again cause heres the other half a my ashen quadrant
other third wwhatevver
obvviously if kan is the one auspisticin for us then an is the one i need mediatin wwith
shes somehoww one a the most pitiful fucks ivve evver met wwhile bein absolutely an utterly detestable as in FUCK shes so fuckin annoyin wwhinin on an on about howw i fuckin culled her like i meant to or somethin an she wwont take the coddamn hint that if i WWANTED her dead she wwould be fuckin dead as many times as it took for it to stick in this place
i mean i feel bad about accidentally killin her but she just wwill not let it go
wwhich is wwhy kan is invvolvved pretty much since theres no wway she could handle bein pitch
humans dont evven HAVVE blackrom howw fucked up is that
an she wwouldnt accept any sort a red feelins from me givven howw shes still hung up on dyin
so kan is basically keepin me in line wwith the wwhole not bein concupiscent thin an also wworkin on gettin her to realize im not goin to kill her
okay i might be beginnin to understand a LITTLE wwhy she might not be in the most trustin frame a mind wwith me but i still say she is seriously ovverreactin to a little vviolence
Hayato Gokudera
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
"god are all a you humans complete fuckin idiots or is that somefin unique to you"
wwell i wwas tryin to pursue him for a kismesis but suddenly im kind a not sure if thats a good idea wwith the humans not knowwin wwhat quadrants are an all especially blackrom
i mean he wwas givvin as good as he got wwhen i wwas flirtin wwith him but it seems wwrong keepin on wwhen he doesnt evven knoww wwhats goin on
oh dont look surprised i do havve a sense a decency an wwhats right an its not like any a the humans i usually interact wwith actually took the time to break dowwn howw human romance wworks
mostly they kept tryin to block me or ignore me
dont knoww wwhy
ANYWWAYS back to wwho wwe wwere talkin about evven if im not goin to try an flirt wwith him hes still pretty good rivval quality here
so maybe wwell just do the wwhole platonic hate thin that wwould be fine wwith me
i mean its not like im stayin here forevver so i guess its a bad idea to go an get concupiscent quadrants anywways not that it MATTERS seein as there wwont be some imperial drone comin knockin
RED Medic
Team Fortress 2
i dont really knoww him all that wwell hes this older human but wwhen i first got here somehoww he an an wwere in eachothers bodies
computer fuck up is wwhat the official or at least as close to official so i guess more fakey fake official explainin for it wwas
though it seems like evveryone is scared a him
Axis Powers Hetalia
hes just a wwiggler wwhat the fuck kind a fucked up place is this he cant be more than like twwo swweeps at the MOST
i mean seriously wwhat kind a asylum is goin to house a little kid in wwith a bunch a older ones an adults
its fuckin unconscionable is wwhat it is wwhoevver evven designed this place is an idiot an probably in need a a pale prostitute or psychiatric counselin or wwhatevver the fuck you wwant to call this shit themselvves
Gilbert Beilschmidt
Axis Powers Hetalia
"The Kingdom of Prussia"
Alas, but there won't be any of Eridan's delightful and witty commentary here as I also play this character, and museterbation is no fun to watch.