for: re_fated

Jan 01, 2009 22:51

Player Information

Name: The Guindo
Personal LJ: theguindo
AIM or other IM contact(optional): PianistOfRaielin

Character Information

Name: Nida Laimitt [This last name is totally made up]
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Background: Nida is an average kid with an average life. He grew up in a small city called Balamb, with his mother and father and a younger brother and two cats. His parents were also average folks, trying their best to be good parents even if they sometimes had no clue how. His brother Aden, two years younger, is somebody that alternates between best friend and worst enemy. When they're not fighting, they get along swimmingly, but when they are, they're both too stubborn to admit fault and it can take weeks for them to stop being at each other's throats.

He attented Balamb Garden, mostly because it was a good school that was close to home, and also because he had his heart set on joining SeeD - the mercenary force trained by the school and directed by the headmaster. Being a SeeD was prestigious and really cool and something he could brag about. Now, Nida is the sort of kid who fails to apply himself unless it's something he really wants, so the fact that he did make SeeD should say quite a bit about how motivated he was toward that goal.

He was one of four to pass the Garden's last SeeD exam, along with Squall, Selphie, and Zell. He was then promptly forgotten and passed up for the new graduate group's first contract, because Zell was chosen instead and Nida's skill set overlapped with his. He was only bitter about it for as long as it took him to realize that contract was totally bunk, at which point he contented himself with hanging around the Garden in his SeeD uniform to impress the newbies.

And then of course a whole bunch of crazy things happened, because the storyline of FF8 is absurd. The, uh, Garden Master NORG incident, the Garden suddenly becoming mobile (it's a school, it's not even very aerodynamic!), and the Garden subsequently crashing into a town called Fisherman's Horizon. Finally seeing his chance to make more use of his position than just looking good in the uniform, Nida practically begged the men repairing the Garden at FH to teach him how to pilot it. Hey, support roles are mission-vital, too, right?

Pilot of the Garden became his permanent post, and he was satisfied with that. It meant he had a vital role to perform that required fairly little effort on his part and didn't involve trekking across the world to go fight the sorceress. Score.

He was also completely forgotten once Squall picked up the Ragnarok spaceship, but that's a different story. Then, it was back to playing cards and looking cool (on the bridge, this time).

There was some other stuff that happened. The fight with Galbadia Garden (he didn't participate, really, he just flew Balamb straight into Galbadia), the sorceress, time compression... Generally, though, things have calmed down and gone back to normal. His services as a pilot were no longer required (though he was, of course, the first one to get called up any time the Garden needed to be mobile again), and thus he went back to his average joe life with the addition of being a SeeD.

Additional references:
Nida @ FFwiki
Summary of FF8 @ FFwiki

Are you taking this character from a another RP? No.

Personality: He can be hardworking and efficient, when he puts his mind to it, but just like most teenagers he also carries a huge lazy streak. This mostly manifests itself in his schoolwork; Nida is very bright but hates putting in the effort it would take to be an A student. He's been a B/C student his entire time at the Garden, rarely doing homework but scoring top marks on all his tests. He's never been much trouble for his teachers. In fact, they hardly ever noticed him. Nida was always just good enough to avoid standing out as a problem student, but not quite good enough to stand out as a top student.

Aside from being a SeeD and piloting a large, non-aerodynamic building that shouldn't even be able to fly, Nida is pretty much your typical teenager. He forgets to call home and gets into arguments with his parents over whether or not they can convert his room into an office, he fights with his little brother, he gets awkward crushes on girls who will never notice him, he spends his weekends forgetting he has a test coming up and puts off essays until the day before they're due.

In general, Nida's a pretty cool guy. He's fairly chill (even if he can get a little over-enthusiastic about things sometimes), easy to get along with, and has a sense of humour, though he can at times be impossibly stubborn and refuse to admit he's wrong. He's not too big on apologizing, even when he's unquestionably in the wrong. He's got a slow-burning temper and doesn't lose it very often (except around family). Annoyance, on the other hand, is a regular occurrence and is expressed through sarcasm and snark.

Overall, he's a fairly grounded person who's good at keeping a level head in a crisis and following orders when they're given. As a soldier (sort of), he respects authority and acts accordingly. That doesn't mean he won't get exasperated about stupid orders; just that he'll follow them while he's sighing about them.

Appearance Changes (if applicable): None. He went from looking totally average to still looking totally average.

Powers/Abilities: The only supernatural abilities Nida possessed were thanks to the use of Guardian Forces. (Recent research shows that junctioning GFs can cause memory loss - Nida doesn't remember much of anything from before the age of eight. He just assumed his childhood was too boring to remember.) Of course, GFs don't exist here and he didn't exactly bring any of them with him, so he's limited to his natural abilities.

Nida's specialty is unarmed combat. He's a fistfighter. He's fast, he's strong, and if you're not trained in hand-to-hand he'll probably beat you in a fair fight.

He's also a pilot and has a passion for flying. Nnnot that the Garden has very complex controls, but he picks up on vehicles (especially those of the flying sort) rather quickly. Set him in a cockpit and he'll probably have everything figured out within a couple hours.

He's good at card games. YES THIS IS AN ABILITY OKAY. Aside from these, his special abilities are not standing out in a crowd and doing good work behind the scenes that nobody ever seems to give him credit for.

Family Situation: Living at home with his mother, father, younger brother Aden, and two cats.

Job: Nida's a senior at the local high school, working a part time job as a restaurant dishwasher (which his Haven version's been doing since he was 16). He's also working on getting his private pilot's license with the intent to eventually upgrade to a commercial one, but ha ha - oops! This Nida's never flown a plane before.

First Person Sample:

The history's different. No GFs. Can't junction anything. SeeD doesn't exist. Nobody's ever even heard of Balamb or a Garden or much less Balamb Garden. I think I'm stuck 100 years in the past, technologically. There's no sorceress.

And the weirdest thing is that my little brother is the school chess star?

Talk about not having your priorities straight, Nida.

Third Person Sample:


Nida snapped awake, jumping back in his chair. The teacher flashed him a glare before moving past his desk down the row.

It took him a few seconds to realize that he hadn't recognized the teacher at all. He glanced around the room - the faces of his classmates were unfamiliar, too. Had he somehow slept through the bell and ended up in the wrong class? No, the teacher would've told him to get out if that were the case, right?

It took him another few seconds to realize this wasn't even the right classroom. These weren't the learning stations at the Garden - there wasn't a console screen in sight. These were plain wooden desks with - with...

The teacher had left something when he'd slammed his hand down to wake Nida up, and it was with a sudden sinking feeling that he realized it was a test, and that the other students were all hunched over their desks working on their own tests.

Swallowing down his fear and the surreal feeling that he was trapped in a nightmare, he read over the questions, only growing more and more confused. The three branches of government? The Speaker of the House? How many representatives did each state get in the Senate? What? It was like he was in the middle of a dream where he'd forgotten to study for his test, except the test was complete gibberish!

He jumped again when something in his pocket vibrated - he realized it was a phone, though he was a good little SeeD and kept his off during class. He snuck a glance up at the teacher, who was distracted himself with something behind his own desk at the front of the room. Safe enough.

Master of stealth Nida was not, but he tried covertly to slip the phone out of his pocket. He didn't open it until it stopped buzzing. When he did, he saw that it had been a text message and not a call. The text message was almost more confusing than the test, but it seemed important.

The teacher loudly cleared his throat and Nida jumped again, nearly fumbling the phone. He quickly slid it under his leg to hide it and stared up at the teacher, who was glaring at him again. A few of the other students were shooting glances at him, too. Sheepishly, he hunched over his own desk, picked up his pencil, and started making up answers to fill up the test.
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