Who do you love? 25: The Gunfighters

May 17, 2013 11:52

A thing to love about The Gunfighters: Dodo's best scene!

HOLLIDAY: What're you attempting to do with that there offensive weapon?
DODO: Shoot you if I have to. (She cocks the gun.)
HOLLIDAY: Now how'd you reckon to get back to Tombstone without me?
DODO: I shall try not to kill you. I shall aim for your arm.
HOLLIDAY: That's real thoughtful. Just at the moment you're aiming right between my eyes.
DODO: Oh, I'm sorry. Is that better?
HOLLIDAY: It's an improvement.

In a story full of delights, it's a shame to pick out just one, but this one often goes unnoticed. John Wiles and Donald Tosh have left the show with a companion that no-one bothered to think of a character for; Innes Lloyd and Gerry Davis tried not giving her anything to do last story, but that didn't work, so this story they revisit a winning formula, making her Vicki but more broadly humorous. It's a lot better. In the next story they try just making her Vicki and that works okay, and in the one after that they (spoilers) give up and give her one of the most unsatisfying sendoffs that a classic series companion gets, so let's make the most of this opportunity to really like Dodo.
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