Dec 11, 2004 19:14
juries start tuesday. i havent written my character analysis. i havent blocked my song. i have to stop not going to AP, or not go to AP and actually WORK on my jury (thanks austin..(and perhaps hanna too)) ineed someone to watch my jury and help me w/ blocking/givre me critique, cuz i need an A on this one. yeah. Ruby and i were supposed to go to the beach tommorow (which would be my first time in over a year and a half.) but i cant, b/c i have to work on the GAY ANALYSIS!!! does anyone actually USE it to help them? NO. ::composes self:: i could use a bit of a tan/ getting out of the house/ seeing someone from school somewhere non-school related. i think that would be fun. ok. im gonan attempt to do the retarded analysis. IF ANYONE HAS THE PRECALC CH 9-2 and 9-3 NOTES LET ME KNOW!!!