A new era

May 30, 2005 17:14

| w h y| i |r e t r e a t e d |
My journal is becoming increasingly personal and confusing, so I thought that if made it friends-only I'd be able to sort out the emos from the rest of society. But seriously, it's because I want to get to know more people.

| w a n t | t o | g e t | t o | k n o w | m e ? |

Comment after friending me and I'll probably friend you back. Tell me your name; I hate being known as wwc_otherguy. Your deepest, darkest secrets would be nice too. Tell me where you've seen me; be it from hijacking, someone else's LJ, school, thegreatbreak etc. I'll be friendly, but slightly odd as you can see from this post.

| w h e r e | i | g o t | t h i s | b a n n e r | f r o m|

creative_ness of banners_4_fo
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