Dec 05, 2008 15:30
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And so on and so on and so on...
John: What is the best thing about your life?
Me: Well, I don't THINK I have any life-threatening illnesses. That's always a plus. See, I always have a hard time looking past my scads of minor personal miseries (which may seem petty but, due to their sheer number, are very emotionally crippling when taken as a collective) to see the positive, but I can at least say I'm not dying.
Not to get off on a rant here or anything, but that is my personal view of Hell. To have so much going wrong that any little glimmer of hope that something may go RIGHT will renew your spirits, only to have that hope ultimately dashed. To know that, no matter how many times that happens, you are unable to completely give up the hope that you aren't doomed to have things remain as they are forever. False hope is a very painful thing.
John: What would your life be like if you were a foot shorter?
Me: A whole foot? Damn, I wouldn't like that. I may be able to fit comfortably into your standard automobile (and at 5'6", most overhead storage bins), which would be a boon for mileage, but I'd also lose the ability to reach things on high shelves without the inconvenience of a stepladder. If I were to maintain the same BMI, I wouldn't stand out in a crowd as much, but if I were to maintain the same weight at a much shorter height, I'd have to waddle and darn near roll to get places.
John: In their primes, Ric Flair vs. any incarnation of Mick Foley - who wins and how?
Me: Depends who's booking. They were both in early WCW around the same time, but I don't believe they ever met in the ring while both were at their best, though the Rock and Sock Connection did lose a handicap match to the three members of Evolution that weren't Triple H several Wrestlemanias back. Now, if Dusty Rhodes were booking, Foley (as Cactus Jack) would win after Ric hit him with some kind of foreign object while the referee's back was turned, only to have a second referee come down and reverse the decision in favor of Cactus. If Kevin Sullivan were booking, Flair would win. I'm not sure how, but I do seem to remember him not liking Foley.
But how would I want it to go, you ask? After the comments Flair made about Foley in his book, about how Mick is nothing more than "a glorified stuntman," I'd certainly book Mick to win. As Cactus Jack, since that's my favorite persona. In a regular match so that he wouldn't be able to have the "stuntman" style working in his favor. And oh, it would be glorious, because Mick is a great storyteller in the ring, and it's always been said that Flair could wrestle a broom and get a *** match out of it.
John: How would you effectively hide a Narutard?
Me: A ninja can hide in plain sight no matter what type of day-glo colors they are wearing.
John: What would you do with an Oompa-Loompa if you owned one?
John: Its primary duty would be to mix and serve drinks. Its secondary duty would be entertainment, but since Oompa-Loompas sing best as part of a chorus, only dancing.
As a side note, I never realized that "quixotic" was a selectable mood. I whole-heartedly approve.