Desperate times call for desperate measures...

Mar 31, 2007 17:11

Week Name/Date/Time: The Missing, Part 2 / Wednesday, 4 October 2006 / 12:59 PM
Location: Great Hall
Open To: Vivien
Currently Involving: Phillip

Phillip had had it. He had not gotten a chance to see Vivien alone for a week, and seeing her in classes was just... not enough. Especially when their friends were always right there. Transfigurations that morning had driven him practically up the wall. And so, during lunch, he'd hatched a plan that was not at all as well-thought out as his plans usually were. He didn't think about where it would go beyond the next fifteen minutes or so.

When the rest of the Gryffindors packed up their things and began to file out of the Great Hall, Phillip waved them on. The excuses he gave were flimsy, as his plate was quite empty, but they left him alone without too much trouble. When the last of them had gone off to their next class or back to the common room or wherever it was they were headed, Phillip started looking around the Great Hall, casually at first. Then his eyes roved more eagerly until they at last landed at the Hufflepuff table and a familiar golden head.

Grinning, he jumped up from his seat and gave his robes and hair a quick brush down with his fingers before picking up his bag and making a meandering stroll around the Great Hall. He moved at random from table to table, pausing to chat with a few of his acquaintances here and there for a few minutes. He took a good long while to finally make his way, at least a good ten minutes later, to the far end of the Hufflepuff table.

There, he stopped and casually slipped onto the bench beside the lovely Miss Ardone. He dropped his bag and slung one arm lazily across her shoulders, a crooked smile on his face, "Hallo, then, Viv. Don't mind if I join you, do you?" his eyes twinkled with mischief, but he didn't want to let that on yet, so he glanced away, nodding and sharing greetings with the few other Hufflepuffs still seated near them.

vivien ardone, week five, phillip davenport

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