I love this episode *so* much. It has basically all of the ingredients of a great TWW episode- humor, effectively mixing personal and political storylines, heart, tons of exciting storylines, character development, interesting methods of time and telling a story, etc.
It's talent night here at Debate Camp. )
I always thought that Toby and Rina would have made a good couple but they sent her into mandyland and you would have had the same problems as josh and donna getting together before seasib 7. Still- I am continually looking for fic with that pairing.
I should note that season 7 is my absolute favorite and I have worn the disks out watching it. Hence all the references.
I am also going to note that the actress that comes in and announces "Congresswoman Wyatt" is outside is Nicole Lyn and she is married to Dule Hill.
That's a refreshingly unpopular opinion. I like S7 better than S1 (and I always thought I was a total rebel feeling that way) but my top three seasons are S2,S3 and S4.
I find the Toby/Andi dynamic to be one of the saddest because Andi actually does CARE about Toby- look at Season 7 when she goes to the White House on his behalf and even though he is political poison, she is allowing him in her house during a difficult campaign. She is just not in love with him and it's obvious that he is with her.
I don't know about Toby/Rina. Maybe if she had more screentime, they could have made her more interesting and dynamic. For minor Toby-love interests, I always liked the police officer from Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody's Going to Jail.
Interesting info about that extra being Dule Hill's wife.
So there's that.
My least favorite season is season 5-but I really love Angela Blake-even though I hate her power thing that Leo puts her in with Josh. I actually own a suit identical to the one she wears in Lockdown.
Nicole Lyn is a fantastic actress. She's more of a canadian star than American since she is Canadian. I believe that she and Dule met when she did this bit. They didn't marry until 2004. She is wonderful in The Feast of All Saints.
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