Debate Camp

Mar 07, 2011 14:55

I love this episode *so* much. It has basically all of the ingredients of a great TWW episode- humor, effectively mixing personal and political storylines, heart, tons of exciting storylines, character development, interesting methods of time and telling a story, etc.

It's talent night here at Debate Camp. )

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jean_c_pepper March 7 2011, 21:00:27 UTC
I find the Toby/Andi dynamic to be one of the saddest because Andi actually does CARE about Toby- look at Season 7 when she goes to the White House on his behalf and even though he is political poison, she is allowing him in her house during a difficult campaign. She is just not in love with him and it's obvious that he is with her.

I always thought that Toby and Rina would have made a good couple but they sent her into mandyland and you would have had the same problems as josh and donna getting together before seasib 7. Still- I am continually looking for fic with that pairing.

I should note that season 7 is my absolute favorite and I have worn the disks out watching it. Hence all the references.
I am also going to note that the actress that comes in and announces "Congresswoman Wyatt" is outside is Nicole Lyn and she is married to Dule Hill.


sunclouds33 March 7 2011, 21:31:08 UTC
I should note that season 7 is my absolute favorite and I have worn the disks out watching it

That's a refreshingly unpopular opinion. I like S7 better than S1 (and I always thought I was a total rebel feeling that way) but my top three seasons are S2,S3 and S4.

I find the Toby/Andi dynamic to be one of the saddest because Andi actually does CARE about Toby- look at Season 7 when she goes to the White House on his behalf and even though he is political poison, she is allowing him in her house during a difficult campaign. She is just not in love with him and it's obvious that he is with her.


I don't know about Toby/Rina. Maybe if she had more screentime, they could have made her more interesting and dynamic. For minor Toby-love interests, I always liked the police officer from Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody's Going to Jail.

Interesting info about that extra being Dule Hill's wife.


jean_c_pepper March 8 2011, 01:43:37 UTC
Like Josh, I very much enjoy political campaigns and armchair analysis thus Season 7 appeals to me for that reason. Like Bob Mayer- I live for the gladitorial aspect of it. Season 7is brilliant- as far as the campaigning on both sides. Then, you have disk 5-which I think is the single best WW disk EVER. You have Election Day Pt.1, Election Day Pt. 2, Requiem and Transition- which are outstanding episodes IMHO.
So there's that.

My least favorite season is season 5-but I really love Angela Blake-even though I hate her power thing that Leo puts her in with Josh. I actually own a suit identical to the one she wears in Lockdown.

Nicole Lyn is a fantastic actress. She's more of a canadian star than American since she is Canadian. I believe that she and Dule met when she did this bit. They didn't marry until 2004. She is wonderful in The Feast of All Saints.


sunclouds33 March 8 2011, 02:15:12 UTC
That's why I love S7, too! It's all about my love for horse-race elections. I have my issues with S7- the poorly written leak story, hardly any Jed and as per the post-Sorkin years, a weaker, less admirable Jed Bartlet and my dislike for all three of the end-game ships- Josh/Donna, CJ/Danny and Will/Kate. (If you can call Will/Kate "end-game ( ... )


jean_c_pepper March 8 2011, 11:20:04 UTC
I hope so too. I agree that the leak story was stupid, sketchy, poorly written and not really believeable. In fact, the only benefit of the leak story is that you see a real interesting aspect of the Andy/Toby relationship ( ... )


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