1. Name: Alexandra
2. Age: 16
3. Birth date: April 23, 1990
4. Location: Philadelphia
5. Lineage: Get ready, this is gonna be a long list. Italy -> France -> Germany -> Greece -> Spain -> Puerto Rico
6. Six Adjectives to Describe Yourself: Sophisticated, Narcissistic, Angry (at times), Understanding surprising, si?, Friendly (when you're on my good side), Sado-masochistic
7. What would you see yourself doing, or like to think or yourself as doing, during the war?: Hm...If I was in WWI, I would most definitely be a nurse. WWII, a spy of some sorts. The plus of sleeping with (attractive) officers in their uniforms...But I digress. I would refuse to be a part of the Auxiliary officers. They were bitchy.
8. How do you feel about or deal with… (Explain if possible, however shortly)
a. Power?: I have a very warm feeling towards power. It gives me a boost in my self-esteem.
b. Pain?: I don't like pain in the sense that I might die soon. But I do like the pleasurable pain.
c. Honor?: Very important.
d. Death?: Honestly, I'm scared of death, but haven't had any personal experiences.
e. Leadership?: MY FAVORITE <3
f. Government?: I find myself, at times, being an anarchist, but then I switch to totalitarian views sometimes. It all depends on the conditions of the country.
g. Your country?: I do feel priveleged to live here, but...it could be ten times better.
h. Other countries?: Depends on what other countries we're talking about. European countries and a few Asian countries aren't that bad. Middle Eastern...A few bad apples.
i. People in general?: ANNOYING. I'm very selective on who I come into contact with.
9. Preferences (Again, please explain)
a. Offensive or defensive? Offensive. Again, it goes back to my love of power and leadership.
b. Fighting on the lines or working behind the scenes? Working behind the scenes. I like to be in control and make people do things a certain way.
c. Tanks, planes, or ships? Planes, plz
d. Swift strike or drawn-out battle? BLITZKRIEG! <3
e. Humanity or cruelty? You caught me. Humanity. I don't believe in that "cruel and unsual punishment" stuff.
f. Terrain? Somewhere smooth. Rock formations and other rough terrain would get in the way of my blitzkrieg
g. Weaponry? Explosives, guns, anything with fire power, really.
10. Care to share your favorite battle(s) from either war? The Battle of Moscow. Hitler got his panties in such a twist to get that city but those crafty Soviets taught him otherwise with their early winter and scorched-earth policy.
11. Would you like to be stamped as an individual from World War I, World War II, or both?? Hm...World War II
12. Anything else? Not that I can think of. Oh! I laugh whenever I see Hitler on a documentary. I have no idea why.
13. Picture(s) of yourself