a letter to those I'll leave behind

May 26, 2009 14:28

“Ladies and Gentlemen of the Class of 2009, if I can offer you one piece of advice, it would be this- wear sunscreen.”

It would be all too easy for me to simply quote the commencement speech-turned-song from my graduation, but you deserve better than that. So here it goes.

Thank you. I came in as your advisor last year, and you opened your arms to me (even if I did squash your idea for live flames on the walkway at prom). You, my dear class, were one more way I became a part of the PCHS family, and for that I am forever grateful.

You have made me laugh until I double over in tears- in religion class, in the halls, during prom decoration.

You were a sacrament to me- a tangible sign from God that I was exactly where I should be, even- especially- when I doubted this was the place I should be.

You have shown me your hearts- in a thousand little ways, and especially in the way you refuse to forget the classmate you lost.

Your smiles, laughter, and joy (along with a fantastic photo of the paint-splattered group of you from prom) will always be with me.

So, now, as we all embark on new journeys, here is the advice I can offer you.

Always put God first, your family & friends second, and everything else third. With God first, all other things fall into place.

Take time to meet your friends for coffee, or send something besides a silly forward or Facebook survey to say you care.

Follow your heart. Even if it means leaving your comfort zone. Especially if it means leaving your comfort zone. Follow it to new countries, new people, and new paths in life.

Make your own decisions. Declare them loudly and proudly.

Find at least three people whose advice you trust and who will be there to listen to you.

Be you- silly, adventurous, shy, searching, outgoing, intelligent, loud- whatever it is, just be yourself. You are amazing, all on your own. Don’t let any person or institution take that inherent power from you.

Most of all, know you are forever a part of my heart. You have changed me for the better, and I am forever in your debt for the wonderful time we have spend together.

May you always soar,
Ms. H


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