Jan 25, 2010 23:06
One of our local community theater groups has changed it's spring show I found out weekend before last when I attended their annual meeting. The original show they had scheduled was Nine, the musical version of Fellini's film, 8 1/2. Not a great show, but interesting with only 1 man, 26 women and six boys. They were going to try to feed off the interest in the film version, but decided to change since the movie had tanked and never even bothered to show up here in town. They have replaced it with the classic Gypsy. Should be fun, if they get a good Mama Rose.
Their summer shows have been announced and they've chosen Barnum and Hair. Now that's a combination!!! This coming fall's show is going to be Dreamgirls. The group has done all of these shows before with the exception of Hair. This is the first time they're doing it. They said that there will be no nudity in it(damn!!). When this was announced, someone in the audience at the meeting immediately suggested doing The Full Monty. This would be a fun show to do and I'd probably think about going naked on stage for it. Could be fun.