Originally published at
Five Second Dance Party. Please leave any
comments there.
… I think about the old jelly bean dispenser always full and ready for the grandkids on the counter.
… I remember the delicious turkey sandwiches from the day after Thanksgiving.
…. I hear her laughing as her grandkids slid, bumping and giggling, down the blue carpeted stairs over and over again.
… I see books stacked all over the rainbow room - read, in progress and waiting to be cracked.
… I visualize her white hair always perfectly styled.
… her giant grin and her open arms - eager to give us hugs when we showed up for visits.
… I think of how sad I’m going to be when I get the inevitable call that she’s gone.
grandmother is in a coma and isn’t going to make it much longer. I’m sad. I’m going to miss her.