May 15, 2011 21:15
In the early nineties we found a fabulous travel backpack and wanted another one. Local store was sold out.
* Called manufacturer and they sent a list (by mail) of all of their US distributers (wait time 3 days).
* Received list and wrote a letter asking if they sold this particular pack and if so to contact us by mail. (letter and return post card creation and trip to post office - 3 days). We sent over a 100 letters.
* Got about 7 replies of yes, they had the backpack (about 2-3 weeks to hear back from all 7)
* Called the stores and ordered 2 backpacks (we decided since going to all the trouble we should get a spare).
Total time to place an order: about 3-4 weeks (and yes it was worth the wait and postage - we still use these packs)
Today: In general about 15 minutes (5 minutes of googling and 10 minutes to place the order)