Jun 15, 2010 20:23
My daughter had been taking piano for a couple of years and my husband decided to (re) learn guitar (The "re" refers to a spot of guitar lessons in college.) He was given a beater guitar by a friend and started with that. His guitar teacher is a master of shred guitar and mandolin and is one of the faster guitar players in the world. He strongly encouraged my husband to buy an electric guitar. We compromised with a electro-acoustic guitar. Plays like an acoustic, but you can plug it in. I figured, "No amp, no problem". So guitar practice begins. A few months ago my husband moved beyond the timid scales to fancier chord patterns and songs. Now he is starting to get better. And louder. So loud that when he practices, the chord playing hijacks my brain. Talking to him while he practices is impossible, I have to TALK REALLY LOUDLY to other residents in the house (I have a soft voice), and it was beginning to drive me a little crazy. We don't have a garage so no alternate practice venue other than our living room. I noticed his guitar teacher's guitar is really quiet when he plays (an unplugged electric guitar.) It was decided that getting an electric guitar was probably the best way to keep everyone sane. There was a sale at the local guitar store and husband was given a mandate to buy an electric guitar. He returns with one and an AMP. I thought the whole POINT was to be quieter....... ( Although for humor value, I admit that I plan to use the label maker to add an "11" to the volume control.)
Fortunately, when he plays without the amp it is mercifully much quieter....