In Light of Recent Events

Sep 20, 2006 22:07

Honey, you~ are a rock
Upon which~ I stand

Because there were times and people that threw me off my feet and tried to bury me. You came and put me on top of the mountain that you appeared to be.

And I come here to talk~,
I hope you understand~

If no one hears the words coming out of your mouth, then is one really talking and by that, is one really relaying feelings and concerns? For the first time in so long, I finally had a voice with you.

That green eyes~
Yeah the spotlight, shines upon you~

When all was lost, there you were. I didn't think I deserved something as wonderful as a pair of sincere green eyes looking at me.

And how could~ anybody~ deny you~?

It was to either fall, or to fly. There was no decision to make.

I came here with a load~
And it feels so much lighter~, now I've met you~
And honey you should know~, that I could never go~ on without you

I cried when I got to fly. After all the time of being caged, freedom was terrifying. But you held my hand and made it feel alright. Thank you for continuing to hold my hand all this time.

Green eyes...

The most beautiful ones ever to me...

Because I didn't get trashed on the second outing, roommate Annie got trashed while I pledged to take care of her. Yes, I did things like hold her hair back while she puked (three times), but I had to fight her to drag her off some unknown guy she was trying to make out with and go home with. She has a [long term] boyfriend who is studying abroad in China. It's only been two weeks so far. Bad, very bad. I played devil's advocate on all almost positions to take without telling her what to do. I'm proud that she told him the truth, but neither of them know what they what to do and their frustrations are blinding them from any kind of solution. I never liked the guy, and most of us say that he should be dumped and dropped like he's on fire. (WAY too shady. Deals drugs, and got her all involved to the point where she's proud of it, plus, they're fighting ALL the time.) But I think we know and I certainly know,

I know how it is,

When no matter how bad the guy is or how bad the situation is, emotional investment is not to be taken lightly. Or rather, ought not to be. Thank god I took the harder step, and broke free.

Because look where... who it led me too.

Unfortunately through seeing Annie's problems, and having other friends struggle with online -and- long distance relationships, my commitment to make my relationship work gets stronger every time. Yes we've had faltering moments, but the strength that it holds for the VAST majority of the time, shines through. We're getting together again this holiday season. I be able to smooch my Baymond under mistletoe for Christmas, and I'll be getting another New Year's kiss at midnight with him too.

*happy sigh* =^-^=


back to work, omg o-o;
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