Regression...great song!

Nov 24, 2004 23:27

So wut can I say about today. Well a few4 wks or days ago it seems like a few wks ago but it was last wkned so yea anyhway last wklned we finished the show, Taming of the Shrew, drama's final show. The curtain will forever will closed for drama now. And so begins a new eraa. The era of the 'fine arts' which is taking over drama and the main reason why Mr. and Mrs. R are leaving. Ironicly eniough, this show was the most stressful and the most tearsful for all of us. Ok well it waxsn't that ironic but anyway. You ever get the feeling that......nvm don't wanna finish tlhat sentence. Today, I made a horrible3 mistake, but hey wut can ya do? Kristin joined the forum or at least the thing is kristinthesis but the bio sounded more like Kathryn and yea thought it mite bwe Kathryn fooling us or the name is in honor or kristin and Kathryn did the bio either that or Kristin died and ZZKaathryn wants to honor her but anyway kristinthesis at first I took a look at the name and thought it was klike photosynthesis with a kr- kinda thing but then I read it and it e ven says who the person is Kristin is a sister, but that's too obvious but then again she is a girl. Call me crazy, but a bucket never falls on her head if lyou know wut I mean. I want her to be a superhero like awesome girl if you know wut I mean. We always play that if you know what I mean. Not her and me but everytone if you know wut I mean. We're even licking if lyou know wut I mean. It just gsgoes to show you that everyone is alittle bit racist6 if lyou know wut I mezn. but seriously music man audit5ions are coming up me and my friends are debating on whether to tdo the musical or not be cause teddy and maggie are doing a play by themselves and student-produxced play looks really good on a college application and it's looking really good considering the agreements on the "new darama." We don't wanna abandon Kristin and Kathryn since their parents mite not let them do the student produced on34e. I don't know it's all very co mplicated. Wut a person come to when they can't even get any chicken. Ya know once I saw a hobo dancing naked infront of the whole world just for some fuckin food. I'm ashamed to say that I'm part of this disgraceful world. I mean gi ve the hobo some fucking food instead of embarrassing the dude. O w4ll it just goes to show you that a pile of shit is really heavier than a fat dude if you know wut I mean. Well it's about time for mm e to hit the dusty trail...not the exact qluote I know butr then again I don't care just so you guys say that isn't the exa ct quote so yah fuck you guys and go eat some roolls. Ah or better ho suck your girlfriend's-uh chickenstick? We all know who you really wanna fuck. It's so obcvious that it sticks out in the front of the lawn of mexico but is really russia cuz t5he hassians forgot they were germains and bin ladin fucked someone called Harry Potter haha and they alll died hahahahahahaha. I wanna dedicate this thread and everything I ever writye to my best friend, Xantos. He was sweet he was nice he was my best friend. He died not too long ago. Police conclude that he was run over in the middle of the road by some crazy loonitic after dri nking too much. Not drink and drive guys it killed my friend. It wasa an honor to know you Xantos. Mayb I can put that in my diary, then give it to someone I hate cause I know they'll put it in a safe place and nobone iwill ever read it and yea yea. It tjsut goes to show you ladies and gentlemen that fantasies don't come true. Xantos's fantasy never came true thanx to that driver. A curse on him/her! .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Sorry, I know this isn't the time but I just couldn't help it I have needs and like the great Fez once said good things happen to all the whores in the world. May God comfort you, you know who you are.
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