To whom it may concern

Jan 25, 2005 14:57

To whom it may concern:

- I'm sorry for the way i've been acting. I dont want to seem like you dont matter, cuz you do. you are great to me. you listen when i have something to say and if im being stupid, you tell me. I'm sorry for being sad or mad looking or however looking. It's just that you have no idea how I'm feeling these days. It's been so hard for me...

I hope you know that i dont want to be this way.

I'm actually glad for school (except the hw) cuz then i can actually see all the people i want to see and i can hang out with you and i dont have to stay home, where i dont want to be, where i feel like im trapped.

I'm also sorry for always rushing...

I'm just so tired of the yelling...
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