so, hi everyone.
been a long time since i properly wrote here, i felt like i should start writing my entries in english again 'cause i don't like the fact that people might not understand what i write (otherwise i wouldn't have opened a journal, huh?!), and i do write on quite a lot foreign communities we are.
not much happened in my life, let's see:
- i managed to do another exam last week and it went great, seriously, my grades just couldn't be better and if i get all the other exams right i might just hope to be accepted in a UK-erasmus *_____*
Now, i don't care how screwed my actual life would be if i convince myself i have to take the best grade in ALL the exams i've got to do as long as i get this chance, i mean that would be a dream come true, i could just die of happiness *_*
Ok yeah now im really going too far with my imagination so let's just stop it here.
- I've just found some videos of Neil Patrick Harris hosting the Emmys and im even more convinced that my life cannot be complete since: a) im not a man; b) im not gay; c) im not his boyfriend;
He really is AMAZING: really talented, and funny, and handsome and, yes this is a gay crush and YOU CAN'T DO NOTHING ABOUT IT.
-Speaking of the awesome man that is NPH, all my favorite TV Shows have started and my life is way happier so in seven days i should be able to catch up with: Gossip Girl, The Big Bang Theory, How i met your mother, Lie to me (which, btw, is AWESOME), Glee and Life on Mars.
Now everything is fine now that i simply do nothing but in a few days i'll be starting university again and i will have to define my priorities (nph above all, of course).
-While i was enjoying my time after the craziness that has been this exams period i found the time to watch 500 days of summer which happens to be the cutest movie ever, Zoeey and Joseph are like, the perfect couple and if i wasn't a HUGE fan of Zooey/Ben i'd totally support it.
I see the WTF?! look on your faces so im giving you two good reasons to watch this movie:
Click to view
He's wearing a Joy Division shirt. In a record store. And he likes the Smiths.
He's the perfect man.
ok, i'll end the squeeing and just end the entry here, yaaay, perhaps i'll find the time to speak about x factor 3 (italy) since i seem to hate everyone in there this year. lmao.