The Old Curiosity Shop

May 05, 2014 20:21

Разное, красивое и забавное: мётлы, совы, которые, как мы знаем, "не те, кем они кажутся", милые монстры, очень терпеливый заяц и лиса, "сидящая у него на ушах".

France 13th century. Cambrai, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 102, fol. 324r

Bodley Canon. Bibl. Lat. 62 The Canonici Apocalypse, 1320-1330, Bodleian Library, fol. 019r, detail

BM MS 0107, detail of f. 003. Breviary, use of Verdun. Lorraine, c.1302-1305

Valenciennes - BM - MS 0244 f. 027. Alphonsus de Spina, La Forteresse de la foi. France, 15th century.

Martin de Brion of Paris, Description of the Holy Land, France, c. 1540, f. 3v - Owl

Pierpont Morgan Library, Geese Book, MS M.905 I, fol. 38v, 1507-10


Pierpont Morgan Library, Book of hours, MS M.6 fol. 79r, ca. 1480

Yale, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Book of Hours, Beinecke MS 287, detail of f.159, end of the 15th century (Flanders).

Flight of the Witches 'Vaudoises' on the broom, miniature in a manuscript by Martin Le France (1410-1461), Le Champion des Dames, 1451

Thomas of Cantimpré, Liber de natura rerum, France ca. 1290. Valenciennes, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 320, fol. 79v

British Library, The Maastricht Hours, detail of f. 240v, 1st quarter of the 14th century

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, MS 229, detail of f. 133v, France, c.1275-1300

подпись Лукаса Кранаха Старшего (с 1508 года):

Signature of Cranach the Elder from 1508 on: winged snake with ruby ring

birds, Pas bête_la chouette!, down the rabbit hole, tieren, the old curiosity shop, за окном идут молодые львы, we do wie du, here be dragons, Κλειώ, always look on the bright side of life, du holde kunst

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