Feb 23, 2004 14:20
So hey, I don't post much, but I have a few things I want to post on today:
I had a dream last night. I think it meant something, but I can't analyze my own dreams, so if anyone feels the psychic energy flowing... Give this one s shot: Sara (Stockdale) and Philip, you guys were in it --
Ok, so me and 7 other people were climbing a mountain. To get to where we wanted to go though we had to shimmi across this rope (I'm not sure I am using the correct word, so let me explain: we had to pull ourselves across a rope using only our arms while our feet hung over a revine -- like monkey bars sorta) Anyway, it was really long and it wrapped around the mountain. I went first and Perry was behind me, other than him though I didn't know who was with us. So I talk with perry on the way (I forget about what, I think it was lab stuff since we are in the same lab). Then we get to the end and its like a ledge that we have to climb up onto. The thing is though that once I'm up I can't see who is coming until I help them up. So I help Perry up. Then we help everyone else up in this order: Sara, My brother, Philip, Brett, and Erin (Trampho). Then I lean over to help the 8th person, but they aren't there. I am saddened by this because I knew that it was one of my friends, but I don't know who and obviously they fell on the way.
Ok, I feel like this dream has some sort of significant meaning, but I don't know what...
Can anyone throw some dream interpretation at me?
I have here the top 10 halo players that I have ever met -- Anyone who plays halo should be interested in this list because I only play the best:
1-Andrew Morris
2-Zac Shultz
3-Alex Dent
4-Maroon Ghosein
5-Andy Dent (Me)
6-Jim Burroughs
7-Jerrad Funderburk
8-David (from Destin)
9-Chris Bankston
10-Bert Forsythe
--This may not interest many people, but it interests me, so I don't care --Philip, you are in the top 15, don't worry...
3 (final thing)
-I'm curious what everyone thinks about this new "The Passion of the Christ" movie coming out. I for one am psyched, I think it will be good (and hopefully historically accurate)... I'm especially excited because I like the work of Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel (he plays Jesus -- he was in the remake of The Count of Monte Cristo, which if you haven't seen I highly recommend). So what does everyone else think? And does anyone want to go see it this weekend with me, I must see it asap hehe...
Oh, one more thing, look at my last post and let me know if anyone wants to go on that trip with us, it promises to be fun. Also, any suggestions on an obsure place would be cool.