I was too excited for this box so I opened it then thought maybe I should catalogue my gets for once hahah.
Come check out what's in it!
Everything semi spread out! I know, it's HUGE!
Grail #1 Arcanine banpresto figure! I have been searching for this baby for so long! All other figures will be up for sale tomorrow.
Grail #2 Sailord!!! Gaaaaahhhh it's so perfect and minty and fat!
Grail #3 Jolteon Canvas! I have to say this plush is truly amazing, though tone honest is never dish out more than 50 for it. The PokeCen plush is better :) but I now own all the Jolteon plush (excluding bell)! Ill make a collection update tomorrow.
Here's what comes in a Puracoro dice expansion set for those who are curious. I bought it thinking I wouldn't have to chase down any more Arcanine dice... I was wrong! Only came with one.
Also I bought the re released Wailord kid and it is different!
Rerelease is a brighter blue. Which is pretty much the only difference but as you can see from the photo, different enough. Attack kid is significantly smaller than the normal kids.
Maggyo slippers! These guys are amazing and feel just like the zabuton cushion on the outside! Got these to wear around the house :) love practical pokemon things.
I don't know if anyone remembers me loving Rotom, but it is my favourite Pokemon! And with the announcement of a ROTOM ONLY promotion I just about lost it. I rarely make collection updates so probably no one knows but I'm gunna make one tomorrow after I buy a new shelf in honor of it :)
Also I will be adding all of the extra things I got to my sales tomorrow!
Thanks for looking!
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