It's been forever since a post and I still can't think of a subject

May 02, 2005 19:29

It's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from going under...

Well it has been forever since I have updated, even graced the live journal site. Since my last post, work has ended, Homewood closed, April 14th was my last day, and that would be a Friday, they were actually going to re-open for the weekend and I guess the week after, the snow got really shitty, sticky all over once the sun hit, in the morning it was just straight crust. So I am out of a job for a while, I would have looked right after Homewood closed but If I would have landed a job I would taken a lot of days off on a count of I was out of town for 4 days right after 4:20. Aww yeh 4:20 was off the hook, I woke up at 4:20 in the am and smoked burned one, and blazed all day, the night before...holy shit, was at my Kenny, Brown and Jeff's pad, they had just got back from the Cannabis Club a day or two before, and they came back with the Bomb, as they did the first time after Brown got his card and gone to the Club down in San Fran. they came back with 4 type's of high grade, and an ounce of Weed butter, some brownies with little stickers on them that had a brownie and "I can't believe its not weed" printed. They also bought what we all say is the craziest shit we have ever seen and smoked...the Honey Hash, stuff looks like a resin ball you get after you scrape your pipe, but darker, dark black and the stuff gets you so ripped, packed it in the chillum, its like your free basing this Hash like crack, and after thinking its cashed, looked at the bottom of the mouth piece and it was almost sticking out...pulled it out and re-packed it like it was never smoked in the first place, some BOMB stuff. Brown was telling me that when the guy was getting it, it was in a safe and the guy was doing the code and kept looking at Brown, then he reached in a grabbed out the Honey, basically its 75 bucks a gram and 168 bucks an Eighth...DAMN, a normal gram for some Herb is 20, and an Eighth is 50. This guy is obviously not going to give out the recipe for his Honey Hash, like its for me to know and you to not find out. So all of us just kicked it, B-Rad was chillin too, so was Boogie, Kenny was baking some brownies with that Chronic weed butter, mmm were those brownies good and potent, each bach he made kept getting danker and danker, he baked at least 5 batches, we had the music on, Uhhh and I arrived and the James show was on on Rock 104, he was playing Iron Maiden and Judas Priest all night, righteous.

So this weekend was pretty crazy, I had to go to the ER at the Hospital yesterday, see Saturday night I was at Jeremy and Sera's new place (I love it there, its so home) anyways that night we were watching Meet the Fockers and I started getting these painful chest pains and somewhat hard to breath, and it just got worse, so being as she has always been, Sera took care of me, gave me some Tylenol and hot camomile tea, it helped some, but after a while the chest pains came back, then Jere went to bed and then Sera did after staying up with me. I watched 4 movies then I finally feel asleep, this was all going down as David and Eric had been passed out since 7, they got a little too drunk lol, anyways I woke up and the chest pains came back, David and I left around 8 in the morning Sunday, I just got worse, my chest kept hurting, somewhat hard to breath, the sides of my legs and my face got numb, felt like I lost all circulation in my hands, and my palms were sweating, I held on for like 4 hours just kept taking nice deep breaths, David took me to the Fire department in Tahoe City since there was no doctors office open in town and we were 20 minutes away from the hospital, the Paramedic's slash Firemen looked at me, took my heart rate, turns out my heart rate is rhythmic, think thats what it is, its all good just different, one of the Paramedics said he had a strong suspicion it could be a respiratory problem, so I felt better after that, then I got a hold of my dad and I went to Squaw to see the doctor that was supposed to be in but was not, then I went to the ER at Tahoe Truckee, they did an EKG on me, took some chest x-ray's and took my blood, everything turned out normal, which is so weird to find out after I felt like had a mild heart attack that lasted about 5 hours, and the morning of the next day, the Doc said if it happens again come in right as I'm having these pains and their going to run a stress test and some other tests, I dunno but that night like I said my chest was hurting like hell, my palms were sweating, my breathing was not good and I was losing circulation in my feet and hands and my left arm a little. I thought it was my ticker going, I mean I won't lie I have done my share of experimenting with Drugs, but I NEVER have had an addiction, or spent tons and tons of money on Drugs all the time, and there have been Drugs I have only tried once because...well I don't want to get into it and what it has done to a lot of friends and people I know and care about. I was just expierimenting. So I thought it was my heart. But all I do is smoke Herb and drink beer and sometimes some hard stuff but I know when to stop and I can hold my Alcohol very well. Anyways it was crazy, and I know Jeremy has had bad chest pains before where he had to go the ER before. But other than that I had a great time at Sera and Jeremy's, it feels like home there, and Meet the Fockers is so hilarious, I absolutely do not like Barbara Streisand but she was really good and Dustin Hoffman is freaking Great. Also watched The Day After Tomorrow, that is a really good movie, totally made me think what if that really happened, the next ice age, I'd strap on my Ski's and my Board, and Ride! Chyea.
Well I made this a super long post, had a lot to say, and now I shall end it with a quote "It's okay letting yourself go, just as long as you can get yourself back." those are the words of the great Mick Jagger. Chyea, so everybody out there keep your heads up and take it easy. Peace
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