2. so annoyed

Nov 11, 2010 18:09

 I am always going to want to be friends with guys rather than girls.

I'm not even going to lie, I hate the bitch game girls play, I am never going to want to go shopping more than once a month (nor will it bug me that I haven't gone to the mall in a year, because I don't care), and I'm never going to stop being shocked at how shallow girls can be.
And no, I'm not being a hypocrite. I'm shallow as hell too, and I wish I wasn't. I'm kind of getting a wake up call to who my friends are this year. My old best friends...one's pushed me away, I pushed one away because he's changed a lot, and the last one drifted off. I only regret the one that drifted off to her own group because I didn't try to get back in contact with her, didn't try to be closer to her and to save our friendship. That's the only one that I wish I'd done something for.

And the group of girls I hang out with...I'm kind of sidling away from them. They don't like me and I'm usually out of the loop when it comes to them. They lied to get out of hanging out with me and I'm never going to know what they're talking about as soon as they start getting into fashion and shopping. I'm just so tired of dodging bullets with them. And I'm always going to have more fun playing brawl than hanging out at the mall, unless it's my once a year shopping trip.

As usual, this can't go on tumblr and thus goes here.

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