Sunday again, so weekend is practically over
Yeah, school started again and OH! YES! it already sucks again -.- I'm just pretty glad that it's the last year of school
I'm missing Brazil and all my brazilian friends so bad lately!! I've already checked out some flights and think I'll have to return next June some days after my graduation. Goddamn, I just can't stand all these short messages on Facebook anymore - I want to see their faces and hug them until they can't breathe anymore!!! Damn you internet, who always wants people to believe they're not lonely! THEY ARE and you can't do anything about it!
With all the school stuff going on and me working again (for the flight!!!) there's not that much free time left, especially with the new TV season beginning =D I loooved the VD premiere! And I can't wait to watch the new Merlin tonight ( I promised myself to first do my homework, because as I know myself I'll just be able to look for screencaps and begin to make new icons afterwards). Oh and True Blood finale - ALREADY?? And after these promos beginning to appear I'm as excited about Supernatural as I was when the screen of my laptop went black after seeing Sam with this all blank face!
Also I've been watching some S2 episodes of Doctor's Diary with some friends yesterday - waiting 'till January? SUCKS!
But well, I guess all these other shows will keep me busy :D
anywayyyys some of my waiting-therapy-stuff:
36 icons
- 10 Merlin S2
- 03 Supernatural
- 02 Nina Dobrev
- 12 Vampire Diaries 2.01
- 09 Doctor's Diary 2.01 - 2.04
5 header
- 01 Arthur
- 01 Nina Dobrev
- 01 Matt Davis
- 02 Vampire Diaries Delena
*click for original size*
VD caps are by
homeofthenuttyDD caps by
gloomy_heaven you know these comment & credit stuff =)