Tagging :)

Dec 12, 2005 01:53

Stolen from kye_kestrel, whom I don't know very well . . . oh well.

Ground rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "Five Weird Habits of Yourself" and the people who get tagged need to then write a LJ entry about their five quirky little habits as well as state the rules of this game clearly. In the end, you need to list the next five people who you want to tag.

1.) I treat my stuffed animals as if they were alive. I find myself hurting on the inside when someone manhandles my stuffed animals, and I can't stand putting them so that they're facing a wall, or shoved in a crack. I find myself wondering what they think if I'm doing something wrong.

2.) Speaking of which, I rarely name my stuffed animals (unless they are pre-named), and when I do, it's usually 'Mr. [insert type of animal here]'. The exception would be Peggy the Penguin. And no, there are no Ms. [insert type of animal here]s.

3.) I have to read. Always. When I sit down to have breakfast or something, I'll pull the box of cereal toward me and read the ingredients, the nutrition facts, the little blurb the company makes . . . I read the shampoo bottles when I'm in the shower, I read Yahoo! News Stories with interesting headlines when I check my e-mail, etc.

4.) I love reading about serial killers, rapists, young murderers, torture, etc. Anything weird and quirky like that. 'Course, I don't advocate it, but it's always an interesting read. And I find that the more twisted the murder cases are, the more engrossed I get in it.

5.) When at night and I'm the only one in the house awake, or everyone is upstairs, I can't stand going downstairs, into the dark. It's really difficult for me; whenever I open a door, I expect to see someone behind it; whenever I turn my back, I expect to turn around again to find someone there; whenever I'm in a small, closed space, like the shower, I expect a pair of hands to reach out from the wall behind me and grab me . . . and then I turn around, and there's nothing there. It's scary, but then, it's annoying, too. And I can't sleep on my side, unless my back is to the wall (my bed is in a corner).

I tag fatalnocturne, chnzdragon89, lobstersahoy, zeopower6, and . . . trimgular. I just picked five people that I know somewhat decently, so yeah. :)

And happy birthday, Charlie Weasley! (I know, I'm a Harry Potter nerd.)


off-topic, tag games

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