Wheel of Time ebook covers

Mar 24, 2011 20:00

They've picked some really amazing covers for the Wheel of time ebooks. Most of them are soooooooo much better than the covers on the actual physical books. The characters on the covers actually look age appropriate, they're full of emotion and action, and it would seem that the artists had actually, you know, read the books before drawing them (or at least been given a better overview of what the spirit and important events in each were than the original cover artist). Here they are. http://www.tor.com/component/content/blog/58172#ebooks

My personal favorite is the Shadow Rising. The only ones I really don't like are the Path of Daggers one and the Gathering Storm one, because they both remind me too much of so many covers from really bad fantasy novels (and why on Earth is Egwene holding what looks like a wand??)

wheel of time

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