Brooklyn Matters is a small documentary by Isabel Hill...which exposes how powerful interests are circumventing community participation and skirting legal protections to push the 'Atlantic Yards' project forward at any cost. (DDDB)
I saw it tonight in a school just around the corner from me. The next screening is on Tuesday, February 27, at 621 Degraw Street, Park Slope, BROOKLYN! presented by The Fifth Avenue Committee. I urge all NYC dwellers, not just Brooklynites, to go see it and stay for what will likely be a lively panel afterward. I also urge you to print
this letter to Governor Eliot Spitzer, and sign/mail asap.
Yes, the film is flawed. So are organizations, people, and politicians on both sides of the issue. The process is flawed. All the more reason not to let apathy and complacency set in - you can do something, however small, to insure that your voice and your community's voice is heard. What's so important at this stage of the game at the very least IS due process. Right now, a suit filed by plaintiffs opposed to the "Atlantic Yards Project" is being read in the federal court. Its outcome can affect anyone in this country battling the oft-corrupt process of eminent domain planning.
"Atlantic Yards" is not as divided across racial or economic lines as you might think. Concern about the project doesn't only affect New York City - it can set precedent for any city or sub-urban community anywhere in the country. It's not just Brooklyn that matters; we all do.
For more info: