A cube of stress

Jan 16, 2009 07:04

I'll offer an apology for another bitching-about-work post, but it's people like Joel Spolsky what causes unrest.

Here was a post of his this week:

Open-plan offices make workers sick
by Joel Spolsky
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

News.com.au: “Australian scientists have reviewed a global pool of research into the effect of modern office design, concluding the switch to open-plan has led to lower productivity and higher worker stress.”

The gist of the article is that being surrounded by our colleagues at work makes us stressed out and unproductive. Hell is other people, and we'd all be better off with private offices so we can close the door and get stuff done.

I won't offer up this study as proof of what I've thought for a long time: cubicles are inexcusable. This study doesn't mean every office should strip to the rafters and rebuild so everyone gets an office. Hell, maybe some people like always being in the midst of their co-workers. Sickos. I will offer some observations from my experience:
  • I don't recall ever hearing anyone say they're at their most productive when they're sitting at their desk and the office is full. Getting in early or staying late when the office is quieter is what people usually consider ideal for productivity
  • Decisions on seating and office design are usually made by people who have had their own offices for a long time.
  • People who sit in cubes generally need some means of shutting out what's around them to be most productive
  • Personally, I don't "collaborate" with someone at work any more or less when they're 5 feet away from me than if they're 50 feet away. Moving them closer makes me more likely to be annoyed by them when I wasn't before.

I think I'd do much better work with an office, and I'm pretty sure the only way I can guarantee having one is to start my own business.
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